Matt McCutchen's Web SiteNews archive  (Top, Bottom).  Email me about this page.

News archive

This archive contains personal news, thoughts, and notices about updates to the site in reverse chronological order.  The first few entries appear, each cut off after the first paragraph when applicable, on the home page and in this RSS 2.0 file; here is an RSS 2.0 file with all entries in full.  The # sign to the left of each news item gives you a permanent link to the item.  To email me a comment on an item, click the @ sign, and I may add your comment to the page manually.

I could put the news in a real blog engine, but that currently appears to be more trouble than it's worth.  I will reconsider if I start getting a lot of comments.

Matt McCutchen's Web SiteNews archive  (Top, Bottom).  Email me about this page.
Modification time of this page's main source file: 2009-05-06 05:15:46 +0000
Except where otherwise noted, Matt McCutchen waives his copyright to the content of this site.  This site comes with absolutely no warranty.  Why?