Matt McCutchen's Web SiteMusicTraveller  (Top, Explanation, Bottom).  Email me about this page.


Status: dormant; 2007 (supersedes any conflicting remarks left on this page; see the home page for definitions)

This is a vigorous piano piece with a strong beat and sections that vary in tempo and key.  I composed it in my high school Music Technology class in spring 2007 using the Sibelius notation software.  I had to crank out this piece quickly and didn't have much time to linger over it and refine it, so it probably isn't perfect in any sense, yet I still believe it conveys the impression I intended.

DescriptionFileSizeModification time
MIDI file of musictraveller.mid128212007-05-17 16:04:23 +0000
Synthesized WAV filetraveller.mid.fp.wav91461242008-01-01 21:56:39 +0000
Scoretraveller.pdf1857392007-05-17 16:14:52 +0000

Explanation[# Top]

I didn't write an explanation for this piece.  I will write one if you email me and tell me you want one.

Matt McCutchen's Web SiteMusicTraveller  (Top, Explanation, Bottom).  Email me about this page.
Modification time of this page's main source file: 2009-05-06 04:23:53 +0000
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