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Dance pad

Status: dormant; 2015 (supersedes any conflicting remarks left on this page; see the home page for definitions)

I'm a big fan of Dance Dance Revolution (DDR) and its clones (including StepMania and In The Groove) because they fully engage me both mentally and physically; I've also found that some of my training playing the piano is transferable to these games.  As of August 2015, I play at around level 11 on the In The Groove scale.  A good dance pad is a requirement to have a good experience at this level, so as of April 29, 2015, I've set up my own dance pad to provide an alternative to commuting to the local arcade.  It's a Precision Omega ITGX with the multi-console control box (no longer sold; most similar product) and a slight modification of the Precision bar kit described here to make it possible to pack the base smaller for moving and storage.

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Matt McCutchen's Web SiteDance pad  (Top, Other resources, Bottom).  Email me about this page.
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