Matt McCutchen's Web SiteCompetitive-ratio approximation schemes  (Top, Bottom).  Email me about this page.

Competitive-ratio approximation schemes

Status: dormant; 2014 (supersedes any conflicting remarks left on this page; see the home page for definitions)

For a class at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Christian Cöster and I wrote a paper giving a simplified exposition of two recently (2013) developed competitive ratio approximation schemes for the online-list P||C_max scheduling problem.  We are considering further revising the paper and/or undertaking additional research in the area and adding it.  You can read the current revision of the paper; we would be delighted if you find it useful.  That's all for now; please email us if you'd like more information about this work.

Note: As an exception to the general policy for this web site, I do not waive my copyright to the paper, in the interest of maintaining the possibility of transferring the copyright for publication later.

Matt McCutchen's Web SiteCompetitive-ratio approximation schemes  (Top, Bottom).  Email me about this page.
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