Add xsltdepcomp and makedepfile.
[utils/utils.git] / rpmconf-matt
... / ...
1#!/usr/bin/env python3
2# rpmconf-matt [--sync-only]
4# Known blockers to submission to Fedora: Basically removing assumptions specific to my setup.
5# - Decide how to name it vs. existing "rpmconf" in Fedora
6# - Make it configurable what part of the filesystem to scan. Is there a
7# default that's sufficiently safe for people to use on systems with untrusted
8# users?
9# - Should save its own files in another tree rather than blacklisting
10# directories known to cause problems if it adds its files there.
11# - Make diff program configurable / smarter default
13# TODO: Move the "sync" part into a dnf plugin that runs after every transaction
14# to make it more robust. Perhaps there can be an option to run the merge
15# interactively. With tighter integration, we might be able to skip scanning the
16# whole filesystem, but that would add one more kind of state that can get wrong.
18# Python 3 conversion, 2017-11-12
19# One could argue we should treat filenames and RPM names as bytes, but it's too
20# much of a pain to fix all the resulting fallout now, and we don't expect
21# adversarial names anyway. ~ Matt 2017-11-12
23# Fedora 30 -> 32 upgrade: remove some .decode() calls (guess rpm-python changed
24# some things from bytes to str) ~ Matt 2020-06-01
26import collections
27import hashlib
28import os
29import pwd, grp
30import re
31import shutil
32import stat
33import subprocess
34import sys
35import tempfile
36import time
38import rpm
40def getFileDigest(path, algoHint):
41 # TODO: Get the digest algorithm from RPM??
42 # File a bug to have rpmfiDigestAlgo exposed to Python?
43 if len(algoHint) == 32: # adobe packages
44 algo = hashlib.md5
45 elif len(algoHint) == 64:
46 algo = hashlib.sha256
47 else:
48 raise ValueError('Failed to guess digest algorithm')
49 with open(path, 'rb') as f:
50 return algo(
52def setAttributes(fe, path):
53 # C.f.
54 # If user or group is not found, we'll get a KeyError.
55 os.chown(path, pwd.getpwnam(fe.user).pw_uid, grp.getgrnam(
56 os.chmod(path, fe.mode & 0o7777)
57 os.utime(path, (fe.mtime, fe.mtime))
59def makeConfFindCommand(expr):
60 # Make a find command intended to catch any files ever managed by RPM,
61 # without getting confused by trees such as /proc
62 # or even malicious user-created files. Unfortunately, we can't just ask RPM
63 # which files it previously managed. The following heuristic should work for
64 # ml*: root filesystem (and avoid an error on /mnt/root, which -xdev doesn't
65 # catch), and exclude world-writable dirs such as /var/tmp.
66 # TODO: Make the search criteria more general.
67 return r"find / -xdev \( -path /mnt -or -path /var/www/html -or -perm /002 \) -prune -or " + expr
69def doMerge(a, b, c, output):
70 # TODO: Make diff program customizable.
71 # FIXME: Stop leaving ".orig" files around. At least name them distinctively.
72 # kdiff3 wrapper to work around issue with Qt apps running as root under Qubes ~ 2015-08-20
73 args = ['rpmconf-matt-merge', output, a if os.path.lexists(a) else '', b, c]
74 subprocess.check_call(args)
76class NeededPackage(object):
77 def __init__(self, header):
78 self.nvra = header.nvra
79 self.paths = dict() # live path -> (digest, path to download to)
81def rpmconf(syncOnly=False):
82 if os.geteuid() != 0:
83 print('This tool needs to run as root.', file=sys.stderr)
84 sys.exit(1)
86 # First, rename any rpmsave files and corresponding rpmbase files before we
87 # would overwrite the rpmbase files. We'll do this to any file type, even
88 # though there will only ever be base files for regular files.
89 print('Scanning for rpmsave files that need to be stamped.')
90 saveStamp = str(int(time.time()))
91 for savePath in subprocess.check_output(makeConfFindCommand("-name '*.rpmsave' -print"), shell=True).decode().splitlines():
92 livePath = savePath[:-len('.rpmsave')]
93 liveBasePath = livePath + '.rpmbase'
94 stampedSavePath = livePath + '.rpmsave-' + saveStamp
95 stampedSaveBasePath = stampedSavePath + '-base'
96 print('-- Timestamping rpmsave file for %s.' % livePath)
97 # XXX: Make sure we are not clobbering existing files?
98 os.rename(savePath, stampedSavePath)
99 if os.path.lexists(liveBasePath):
100 os.rename(liveBasePath, stampedSaveBasePath)
102 filesToMerge = collections.defaultdict(lambda: [[], False]) # live path -> (list of rpmsave stamps, bool if rpmnew)
104 print('Scanning for config files that need base files created.')
105 filesDone = {} # live path -> (nevra, digest)
106 needPackages = {} # nevra -> NeededPackage; no more defaultdict because NeededPackage needs header
107 ts = rpm.ts()
108 mi = ts.dbMatch()
109 for header in mi:
110 nevra = header.nevra
111 for fe in rpm.files(header):
112 # Only installed config files.
113 if fe.state != rpm.RPMFILE_STATE_NORMAL: continue
114 if not (fe.fflags & rpm.RPMFILE_CONFIG): continue
115 # For a ghost, we have no base content to write. Probably best to let this be a two-way merge if the file becomes non-ghost later.
116 if fe.fflags & rpm.RPMFILE_GHOST: continue
117 # For now, we only handle regular files. Conflicts on config symlinks seem to be rare.
118 if not stat.S_ISREG(fe.mode): continue
119 if fe.caps != '': raise NotImplementedError('File capabilities are not implemented: %s' %
121 # Extension point directories whose readers can't handle additional *.rpm* files.
122 # /etc/skel/ is not actually causing a problem but leads to ugly persistent state.
123 # TODO: Find a better workaround.
124 if'^(/etc/skel/|/etc/rpm/macros|/etc/logrotate.d/|/etc/grub.d/)',
125 continue
127 # We need this check to avoid thrashing a conflicted base file.
128 if in filesDone:
129 (oldNevra, oldDigest) = filesDone[]
130 if fe.digest != oldDigest:
131 print('Conflict at %s: have %s from %s, ignoring %s from %s' %
132 (, oldDigest, oldNevra, fe.digest, nevra),
133 file=sys.stderr)
134 continue
135 filesDone[] = (nevra, fe.digest)
137 path_new = + '.rpmnew'
138 download_path = None
139 if os.path.lexists(path_new):
140 filesToMerge[][1] = True
141 # The live config file is not based on the current DB entry.
142 # Hopefully we already have a base for the live config file; if not, there's nothing we can do about it now.
143 # We do want to make sure the rpmnew file is correct.
144 if getFileDigest(path_new, fe.digest) != fe.digest:
145 download_path = path_new
146 else:
147 path_base = + '.rpmbase'
148 if not (os.path.lexists(path_base) and getFileDigest(path_base, fe.digest) == fe.digest):
149 if (os.path.lexists( and getFileDigest(, fe.digest) == fe.digest):
150 # The live file has the original content.
151 # Copy the content and set the original attributes manually.
152 path_tmp = + '.rpmbase-tmp'
153 shutil.copyfile(, path_tmp)
154 setAttributes(fe, path_tmp)
155 os.rename(path_tmp, path_base)
156 print('- %s: Copied %s from %s.' % (nevra, path_base,
157 else:
158 download_path = path_base
159 if download_path:
160 if nevra not in needPackages:
161 needPackages[nevra] = NeededPackage(header)
162 needPackages[nevra].paths[] = (fe.digest, download_path)
163 print('- %s: Need to download %s.' % (nevra, download_path))
165 if needPackages:
166 print('Downloading %d packages.' % len(needPackages))
167 packages_tmpdir = tempfile.mkdtemp(prefix='rpmconf-packages')
168 # Make sure the cpio archive is covered by a valid signature
169 # before we use it. Since dnf-download-signed currently doesn't
170 # check that the package is the one we asked for, this only
171 # ensures that the cpio archive is safe to extract. Then we
172 # check the digest on each needed file before using it. We're
173 # still correct if an attacker substitutes a different signed
174 # package in which the files we need have the same content.
175 # ~ Matt 2019-05-18
176 #
177 # Ideally, we'd only require a signature if the package came
178 # from a repository with gpgcheck=1. Right now, I use no
179 # unsigned packages. If I build my own packages again, I can
180 # either sign them or just fix them manually if they reach this
181 # code.
182 # ~ Matt 2017-11-11
183 subprocess.check_call(['dnf-download-signed'] + list(needPackages), cwd=packages_tmpdir)
184 for nevra, neededPkg in needPackages.items():
185 packagePath = '%s/%s.rpm' % (packages_tmpdir, neededPkg.nvra)
186 extract_tmpdir = tempfile.mkdtemp(prefix='rpmconf-extract-%s' % nevra)
187 cpioNeedPaths = ['.' + p for p in neededPkg.paths] # go figure
188 subprocess.check_call(['/bin/bash', '-c', 'p="$1"; shift; rpm2cpio "$p" | cpio --extract --quiet --preserve-modification-time --make-directories "$@"', '--', packagePath] + cpioNeedPaths, cwd=extract_tmpdir)
189 print('- Extracted %s.' % nevra)
190 for livePath, (needDigest, downloadPath) in neededPkg.paths.items():
191 tmpPath = extract_tmpdir + livePath
192 tmpDigest = getFileDigest(tmpPath, needDigest)
193 if tmpDigest != needDigest:
194 print('%s: got digest %s, wanted %s' % (livePath, tmpDigest, needDigest), file=sys.stderr)
195 continue
196 # This is easiest in case it is cross-filesystem, etc. mv should preserve all attributes.
197 subprocess.check_call(['mv', '-f', tmpPath, downloadPath])
198 print('-- Installed %s.' % downloadPath)
199 shutil.rmtree(extract_tmpdir)
200 shutil.rmtree(packages_tmpdir)
202 print('Scanning for obsolete rpmnew files.')
203 for newPath in subprocess.check_output(makeConfFindCommand("-type f -name '*.rpmnew' -print"), shell=True).decode().splitlines():
204 livePath = newPath[:-len('.rpmnew')]
205 if livePath not in filesToMerge: # only rpmnew files will be recorded in filesToMerge yet
206 print('-- Deleting %s. UNTESTED' % newPath)
207 #os.unlink(newPath)
209 # Remove rpmbase files for config files that are no longer managed, to not leave cruft.
210 # This intentionally does not remove rpmsave-base files. ~ 2014-07-03
211 # Note: If the config file had been modified, RPM would move it to
212 # rpmsave on package removal (whether or not it was noreplace), so we'd
213 # stamp the base file before we get here. ~ 2017-11-12
214 print('Scanning for obsolete rpmbase files.')
215 for basePath in subprocess.check_output(makeConfFindCommand("-type f -name '*.rpmbase' -print"), shell=True).decode().splitlines():
216 livePath = basePath[:-len('.rpmbase')]
217 if livePath not in filesDone:
218 print('-- Deleting %s.' % basePath)
219 os.unlink(basePath)
221 # "sync vs. merge" terminology is inspired by Perforce. We'll want a
222 # better term for "sync" before releasing this to the public.
223 if syncOnly:
224 print('rpmconf sync complete.')
225 return
226 else:
227 print('rpmconf sync complete. You can interrupt if you don\'t wish to merge now.')
229 print('Scanning for rpmsave files.')
230 for savePath in subprocess.check_output(makeConfFindCommand("-type f -name '*.rpmsave-*' -print"), shell=True).decode().splitlines():
231 m ='^(.*)\.rpmsave-(\d+)$', savePath)
232 if not m: continue
233 (livePath, stamp) = (, int(
234 filesToMerge[livePath][0].append(stamp)
236 # Nested function for the ability to return from a nested loop...
237 def mergeFile(livePath):
238 print('- Merging %s.' % livePath)
239 (saveStamps, haveRpmnew) = filesToMerge[livePath]
240 saveStamps.sort() # mutates the original, that's OK
241 # TODO: If a package was uninstalled, we could have an rpmsave and rpmsave-base with no live.
242 # We want to alert the user that the configuration change is no longer having an effect. How?
243 # Currently kdiff3 comes up with a bunch of error dialogs and I have to manually intervene.
244 for i in range(len(saveStamps)):
245 c_output = '%s.rpmsave-%d' % (livePath, saveStamps[i+1]) if i+1 < len(saveStamps) else livePath
246 b = '%s.rpmsave-%d' % (livePath, saveStamps[i])
247 a = b + '-base'
248 try:
249 doMerge(a, b, c_output, c_output)
250 except subprocess.CalledProcessError:
251 print('- Leaving %s merge unfinished.' % livePath)
252 return 1
253 os.unlink(b)
254 if os.path.lexists(a): os.unlink(a)
255 if haveRpmnew:
256 try:
257 doMerge(livePath + '.rpmbase', livePath, livePath + '.rpmnew', livePath)
258 except subprocess.CalledProcessError:
259 print('- Leaving %s merge unfinished.' % livePath)
260 return 1
261 os.rename(livePath + '.rpmnew', livePath + '.rpmbase')
262 print('- Merged %s.' % livePath)
263 return 0
265 unfinishedFiles = 0
266 for livePath in filesToMerge:
267 unfinishedFiles += mergeFile(livePath)
269 if unfinishedFiles == 0:
270 print('rpmconf merge complete!')
271 else:
272 print('No more files to consider. %d files left unfinished.' % unfinishedFiles)
274if __name__ == '__main__':
275 # TODO: Adopt a real option-parsing library.
276 args = sys.argv[1:]
277 if args == []:
278 rpmconf()
279 elif args == ['--sync-only']:
280 rpmconf(syncOnly=True)
281 else:
282 print('Unrecognized arguments.', file=sys.stderr)
283 sys.exit(1)