Matt McCutchen's Web SiteMy "computing platform"  (Top, Components, Potentially related work, Additional notes, Bottom).  Email me about this page.

My "computing platform"

Status: on hold, stale; 2005-2008 (supersedes any conflicting remarks left on this page; see the home page for definitions)

Since perhaps 2005, I have been working on ideas for a "computing platform" that would help people do their computer work faster and better.  It consists of programming language, desktop/UI, and operating system components inspired by the common principles of maximizing expressive power, assisting the user, and overcoming the limitations and tedium of today's tools.  A possible name for the platform would be "Utop", a play on "Universal Desktop" and "Utopia"; as of 2008-05-27, I couldn't find any other software by this name on Google.

My ideas for this platform are largely inspired by my experiences with the strengths and weaknesses of existing tools; they have already evolved significantly and I expect that they will continue to evolve as I gain more experience.  Here, for the sake of inspiration and discussion, I'm presenting my ideas as they currently stand, written in present tense for readability even though everything is tentative and speculative.  If you have comments or can direct me to past or present work along similar lines, I would be much obliged if you would email me.

Components[# Top]

The platform is to have the following components and characteristics:

Here are some existing projects that I or others have identified as potentially relevant to the platform.  The list is not exhaustive, but I intend for it to grow.

Additional notes[Top]

Matt McCutchen's Web SiteMy "computing platform"  (Top, Components, Potentially related work, Additional notes, Bottom).  Email me about this page.
Modification time of this page's main source file: 2020-09-01 00:32:55 +0000
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