Various fixes and enhancements:
[measurements/measurements.git] / src / net / mattmccutchen / measurements /
... / ...
1package net.mattmccutchen.measurements;
3import java.util.*;
5import net.mattmccutchen.addins.*;
10public class MeasurementsAddIn extends AddInBase<AddInHelper>
11 implements XMeasurementsAddIn {
12 private static final AddInHelper ah = new AddInHelper(
13 MeasurementsAddIn.class.getName(), // implementation name
14 MeasurementsAddIn.class.getName() // specific service name
15 );
17 public static XSingleServiceFactory __getServiceFactory(String implName,
18 XMultiServiceFactory multiFactory, XRegistryKey regKey) {
19 return ah.staticGetServiceFactory(implName, multiFactory, regKey);
20 }
22 public static boolean __writeRegistryServiceInfo(XRegistryKey regKey) {
23 return ah.staticWriteRegistryServiceInfo(regKey);
24 }
26 private static final List<FunctionInfo> fis
27 = Arrays.asList(new FunctionInfo[] {
28 new FunctionInfo("mneg", "mneg", "Negates a measurement.",
29 Arrays.asList(new ArgumentInfo("m", "Measurement"))),
30 new FunctionInfo("madd", "madd", "Adds two measurements.",
31 Arrays.asList(new ArgumentInfo("a", "First term"),
32 new ArgumentInfo("b", "Second term"))),
33 new FunctionInfo("msub", "msub", "Subtracts two measurements.",
34 Arrays.asList(new ArgumentInfo("a", "Positive term"),
35 new ArgumentInfo("b", "Negative term"))),
36 new FunctionInfo("mmul", "mmul", "Multiplies two measurements.",
37 Arrays.asList(new ArgumentInfo("a", "First factor"),
38 new ArgumentInfo("b", "Second factor"))),
39 new FunctionInfo("mdiv", "mdiv", "Divides two measurements.",
40 Arrays.asList(new ArgumentInfo("num", "Numerator"),
41 new ArgumentInfo("denom", "Denominator"))),
42 new FunctionInfo("mpowint", "mpowint", "Raises a measurement to an integer power.",
43 Arrays.asList(new ArgumentInfo("base", "Base"),
44 new ArgumentInfo("exp", "Exponent"))),
45 new FunctionInfo("mrootint", "mrootint", "Takes an integer square root of a measurement. Does not allow fractional powers of units in the result.",
46 Arrays.asList(new ArgumentInfo("base", "Base"),
47 new ArgumentInfo("exp", "Exponent"))),
48 new FunctionInfo("mpow", "mpow", "Raises one measurement to the power of another. Both must be pure numbers.",
49 Arrays.asList(new ArgumentInfo("base", "Base"),
50 new ArgumentInfo("exp", "Exponent"))),
51 new FunctionInfo("mexp", "mexp", "Raises e (2.718...) to the power of a measurement.",
52 Arrays.asList(new ArgumentInfo("m", "Measurement"))),
53 new FunctionInfo("mln", "mln", "Takes the natural logarithm of a measurement. " +
54 "The measurement must be a pure number, so you may have to rewrite a difference of logarithms as a logarithm of a quotient.",
55 Arrays.asList(new ArgumentInfo("m", "Measurement"))),
56 new FunctionInfo("mcmp", "mcmp",
57 "Returns the difference between two measurements, expressed in units of the sum of their uncertainties. " +
58 "You can compare measurements very flexibly by checking the result against a tolerance.",
59 Arrays.asList(new ArgumentInfo("a", "First measurement"),
60 new ArgumentInfo("b", "Second measurement"))),
62 new FunctionInfo("mcleanstr", "mcleanstr",
63 "Formats the measurement to a string without including the code in [...].",
64 Arrays.asList(new ArgumentInfo("m", "Measurement string"))),
65 new FunctionInfo("munwrap", "munwrap",
66 "Unwraps a measurement (which must have no units) into a floating-point number with all available precision, regardless of the measurement's uncertainty.",
67 Arrays.asList(new ArgumentInfo("m", "Measurement string"))),
68 new FunctionInfo("mstras", "mstras",
69 "Formats the measurement to a string in the requested unit.",
70 Arrays.asList(new ArgumentInfo("m", "Measurement string"),
71 new ArgumentInfo("u", "Unit string"))),
72 new FunctionInfo("mcleanstras", "mcleanstras",
73 "Formats the measurement to a string in the requested unit without including the code in [...].",
74 Arrays.asList(new ArgumentInfo("m", "Measurement string"),
75 new ArgumentInfo("u", "Unit string"))),
76 });
78 // We can be instantiated reflectively!!!
79 public MeasurementsAddIn() {
80 super(ah, fis);
81 }
83 // The actual functions!!!
85 // Math
86 public String mneg(String m) {
87 return Measurement.format(MeasurementMath.neg(
88 Measurement.parseCode(m)), true);
89 }
90 public String madd(String a, String b) {
91 return Measurement.format(MeasurementMath.add(
92 Measurement.parseCode(a), Measurement.parseCode(b)), true);
93 }
94 public String msub(String a, String b) {
95 return Measurement.format(MeasurementMath.sub(
96 Measurement.parseCode(a), Measurement.parseCode(b)), true);
97 }
98 public String mmul(String a, String b) {
99 return Measurement.format(MeasurementMath.mul(
100 Measurement.parseCode(a), Measurement.parseCode(b)), true);
101 }
102 public String mdiv(String a, String b) {
103 return Measurement.format(MeasurementMath.div(
104 Measurement.parseCode(a), Measurement.parseCode(b)), true);
105 }
106 public String mpowint(String a, String bstr) {
107 int b = Integer.parseInt(bstr);
108 return Measurement.format(MeasurementMath.powint(
109 Measurement.parseCode(a), b), true);
110 }
111 public String mrootint(String a, String bstr) {
112 int b = Integer.parseInt(bstr);
113 return Measurement.format(MeasurementMath.rootint(
114 Measurement.parseCode(a), b), true);
115 }
116 public String mpow(String a, String b) {
117 return Measurement.format(MeasurementMath.pow(
118 Measurement.parseCode(a), Measurement.parseCode(b)), true);
119 }
120 public String mexp(String m) {
121 return Measurement.format(MeasurementMath.exp(
122 Measurement.parseCode(m)), true);
123 }
124 public String mln(String m) {
125 return Measurement.format(MeasurementMath.ln(
126 Measurement.parseCode(m)), true);
127 }
128 public double mcmp(String a, String b) {
129 return MeasurementMath.cmp(
130 Measurement.parseCode(a), Measurement.parseCode(b));
131 }
133 // Utility
134 public String mcleanstr(String mstr) {
135 Measurement m = Measurement.parseCode(mstr);
136 return Measurement.format(m, false);
137 }
138 public double munwrap(String mstr) {
139 Measurement m = Measurement.parseCode(mstr);
140 if (m == null || !MeasurementMath.isPureNumber(m))
141 return Double.NaN;
142 return m.number;
143 }
144 private String mstras1(String mstr, String ustr, boolean withCode) {
145 Measurement m = Measurement.parseCode(mstr);
146 if (m == null)
147 return Measurement.errorIndicator;
148 Unit u;
149 try {
150 u = Unit.parseUnitString(ustr);
151 } catch (Exception e) {
152 return Measurement.errorIndicator;
153 }
154 return Measurement.formatInUnit(m, u, withCode);
155 }
156 public String mstras(String mstr, String ustr) {
157 return mstras1(mstr, ustr, true);
158 }
159 public String mcleanstras(String mstr, String ustr) {
160 return mstras1(mstr, ustr, false);
161 }