Document the input format for popl2012.
[match/match.git] / paper / paper.tex
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29\title{Assigning Papers to Reviewers}
32Samir Khuller\thanks{Research currently supported by CCF-0728839.
34Dept.\ of Computer Science\\
35University of Maryland, College Park MD 20742.
37Richard Matthew McCutchen\thanks{
38The bulk of this work was done while Matt was at the Dept.\ of Computer Science,
39University of Maryland, College Park, and supported by REU Supplement to
40CCF-0430650. Current email: {\tt}.}\\
41%Department of Computer Science\\
42%University of Maryland, College Park, MD 20742.
56Assignment problems arise in a variety of settings.
57For funding agencies such as NSF program directors
58that co-ordinate panels, assigning proposals to
59reviewers is a major challenge. It is important that each proposal receive
60sufficient review by qualified experts, and at the same time we would like to
61roughly balance the workload across reviewers and to honor the reviewers'
62preferences for which proposals they would like to read. The same
63issue arises for a program committee chair, who may have to assign
64literally hundreds of papers to a program committee consisting of
65thirty to forty program committee members.
67%{\em What does CMT use? What does Easychair use?}
69From now on we will focus on the problem of assigning papers to
71We assume that each reviewer is given access to the
72list of papers to be reviewed, and gives each paper both a ``preference''
73score indicating his/her level of interest in reviewing the paper and an
74``expertise'' score indicating how qualified he/she is to evaluate the paper.
75(Some organizations may use a single preference score and assume that it
76also indicates expertise. We believe that making the distinction may better
77model the real-world objective.)
78A reviewer may also declare a conflict of interest with a particular paper,
79meaning that he/she is forbidden to review the paper.
81We do not consider stable marriage type preference lists,
82because a strict ranking of papers would be rather tedious
83to produce. In this scheme, the papers are essentially grouped
84into a few categories.
86Let $N$ be the number of papers and $P$ be the number of reviewers.
87Suppose that each paper needs $q$ reviews, so a total of $qN$
88reviews need to be generated.
89Ideally, from the perspective of the papers, we would like to
90assign each paper the $q$ most qualified reviewers for the paper.
91Of course, this could lead to a load imbalanced solution where
92the load on some program committee members is very high, and the
93load on others is low. On the other hand, we could insist
94on a perfectly load balanced solution in which the number
95of papers assigned to each program committee member does not
96exceed $L= \lceil qN/P \rceil$. However, this may lead to a solution
97which is not optimal from the perspective of the papers.
99One of our goals is to study precisely this tradeoff, and allow each
100reviewer to be assigned up to $L + C$ papers,
101where $C$ is the {\em load tolerance}. We consider the question:
102is it possible to obtain a high quality
103assignment with a fairly low value of $C$? One can also ask whether,
104in such an assignment, the reviewers receive the papers that they would
105have most liked to review.
107{\em Stinkers} are papers that pretty much no-one wanted to review.
108We would like to spread the load of the stinkers as evenly as possible.
111\section{Formulation as a Min-Cost Max-Flow Problem}
117\caption{Flow Construction.}
122We formulate the assignment problem as a min-cost max-flow problem,
123where each unit of flow represents one review.
124The construction is somewhat involved in order to incorporate all
125the desired incentives. In several places, it makes
126use of sets of ``parallel edges'' of different costs connecting a
127single pair of nodes $(x, y)$ to allow flow to be sent from $x$ to $y$
128at a cost that grows faster than linear in the amount of the flow. For
129example, if there are five unit-capacity edges from $x$ to $y$ of costs
1301, 3, 5, 7, and 9, then any integer amount $f \le 5$ of flow can be
131sent from $x$ to $y$ at a cost of $f^2$.
133An example of the graph is shown in Figure~\ref{flow-fig}.
134We have a source $s$ and a sink $t$.
135For each paper $j$ we create a set of nodes $p^1_j, p^2_j,p^3_j$, and for each
136reviewer $i$ we create a set of nodes $r^1_i, r^2_i, r^3_i$. (The rationale
137for these sets is discussed below.)
138Flow can pass from $s$ through one or more of the nodes $r^t_i$ and
139one or more of the nodes $p^t_j$ to the sink to represent a review
140by reviewer $i$ of paper $j$.
142Each paper has an edge of capacity $q$ to
143the sink, indicating that it needs $q$ reviews. In general, these
144edges will constitute the min cut, so any max flow will saturate them
145and thereby provide all the required reviews. We take the min-cost
146max flow in order to provide the reviews in the ``best'' possible way.
148Each reviewer has a zero-cost edge of capacity $L$ from the source so that
149he/she can be assigned $L$ papers. If that were all, we would get a perfectly
150load-balanced solution, but we may be able to improve the quality of the
151assignments by allowing some imbalance.
152Therefore, we allow each reviewer to be overloaded by up to $C$ papers
153($C$ is the load imbalance parameter) via a set
154of $C$ additional unit-capacity edges from the source. We make the cost of the
155$l$th edge an increasing function $f(l)$ to provide an incentive to
156balance load across reviewers. Since $2f(1) < f(1) + f(2)$,
157a solution that loads two reviewers each by $L+1$ will be preferred
158to a solution that loads one reviewer by $L$ and the other by $L+2$
159unless the load imbalance in the second solution is outweighed by
160other benefits.
162For each reviewer $i$ and paper $j$, there is a unit-capacity edge from $i$
163to $j$ allowing that pair to be assigned, unless the reviewer declared a
164conflict of interest, in which case the edge is not present. The edge cost is
165based on the preference value $a_{ij}$ stated by reviewer $i$ for paper
166$j$. For values on the NSF scale of 1 (best) to 40 (worst), we chose the cost
167function $(10 + a_{ij})^2$, in an attempt to provide an incentive to avoid
168really bad matched pairs without completely masking the difference between a
169good matched pair and an excellent one. This choice seeks only to achieve a
170natural relationship between a linear preference scale as normally interpreted
171and the costs to be used in the optimization. We realize that strategic
172reviewers will take the cost function into account in choosing what preference
173values to submit, in which case its form matters little.
175Alongside these purely additive per-review costs,
176we want to avoid an individual reviewer
177getting too many papers he/she does not like.
178With respect to a reviewer $i$, we classify papers as ``interesting'',
179``boring'', or ``very boring'' based on their preference values;
180the thresholds for these classes are currently
181the same for all reviewers. The edge for reviewer $i$ and paper
182$j$ leaves from $r^1_i$ if $j$ is interesting, $r^2_i$ if $j$ is boring, or
183$r^3_i$ if $j$ is very boring. Since all edges from the source enter $r^1_i$,
184flow for boring and very boring papers is forced to pass through a set of
185parallel edges from $r^1_i$ to $r^2_i$, and flow for very boring papers
186must pass through an additional set of parallel edges from $r^2_i$ to $r^3_i$.
187In each of these sets, we make the cost of the $l$th edge an increasing
188function of $l$ to provide an incentive to balance the load of boring
189papers in the same way as for overload.
191Finally, we would like at least one or two of each paper's reviews to be well
192qualified, if possible. The method is the same as that for reviewer fairness.
193With respect to a paper $j$, we classify reviewers as ``expert'',
194``knowledgeable'', or ``general'' by comparing the expertise values to uniform
195thresholds. (Since this is the only place the expertise values are used, we
196effectively assume expertise takes on only these three values.)
197Edges representing
198expert reviews enter $p^1_j$, edges for knowledgeable reviews enter $p^2_j$,
199and edges for general reviews enter $p^3_j$; the edge to the sink leaves
200$p^3_j$. A paper's first knowledgeable (or expert) review scores a bonus $c_2$
201by traversing a unit-capacity edge of cost $-c_2$ from $p^2_j$ to $p^3_j$,
202and an additional expert review scores another bonus $c_1$ by traversing a
203unit-capacity edge of cost $-c_1$ from $p^1_j$ to $p^3_j$.
204In addition to the bonus edges,
205there are edges of zero cost and unlimited capacity that reviews can follow
206from $p^1_j$ to $p^2_j$ and from $p^2_j$ to $p^3_j$ in order to reach the sink.
207The choice to offer bonuses for two reviews was based on the value $q = 3$;
208this would be easy to change for other values of $q$.
210In the example in Figure~\ref{flow-fig},
211paper 1 is interesting to reviewer 1 and boring to reviewers 2 and 3.
212Reviewer 2 is expert on paper 1, with reviewers 1 and 3 merely knowledgeable.
213(Reviewer edges for paper 2 are not shown.)
214This illustrates how, in principle,
215the preference and expertise relations might differ.
216Each is taken into account at a different stage of the construction.
218The cost of a flow (assignment) is the sum of its reviewer overload costs,
219per-review costs, and reviewer boring / very boring load costs,
220minus paper bonuses. Any one of these components can be traded off against
221the others.
225We have implemented the matching algorithm, based on the construction above, in
227The construction is intended to illustrate
228ways to model real concerns that we find reasonable a priori.
229We do not have enough experience with real-world
230instances to be confident that each part of the construction serves its intended
231purpose or that the parameter values we have chosen are suitable.
232Fortunately, the parameter values are easy to change in the source code of our
233implementation, and even substantive changes to the graph structure are not too
234hard to make. At a minimum, we believe that min-cost max-flow provides a
235reasonable framework for global optimization of an assignment.
237We have worked with Michael Hicks, program chair of POPL 2012, to apply our
238method to the paper assignment problem for that conference.
239The set of POPL 2012 reviewers consisted of the
240program committee (PC) and an external review committee (ERC),
241where the ERC served two purposes:
243\item To provide up to one knowledgeable (or expert) review per paper if
244prior knowledge of the topic was hard to find on the PC.
245\item To provide all reviews of papers with an author on the PC (``PC papers''),
246which were considered to
247pose an implicit conflict of interest to all PC members.
249The special policy for ERC reviews of non-PC papers was realized via a more
250complex paper-side gadget, not described here.
251Based on an evaluation tool he wrote as well as manual inspection,
252Dr.~Hicks was satisfied that the decisions made by the matching tool
253closely reflected the best he could have done manually.
255We are looking for additional opportunities to apply the matching tool.
256Anyone interested is invited to contact us so we can help adapt it
257to the scenario and document the experience gained.
259%Waiting for data from NSF.
261%Synthetic Data.
263\section{Getting the Tool}
265A distribution containing the source code for the matching tool as well as this
266document may be browsed or downloaded at:
268There are currently two branches:
270\item \code{master} has the tool as originally designed for NSF, with no
271distinction between preference and expertise.
272\item \code{popl2012} is the basis of the version used for POPL 2012. The main
273differences are that it has separate preference and expertise, support for
274``fixing'' previously chosen reviewer-paper pairs (buggy, however),
275and the special ERC gadget.
277We regret that we do not currently have a single well-maintained version of the
278tool to recommend.
283R. Ahuja, T. Magnanti and J. Orlin.
284Network Flows: Theory and Applications.
285{\em Prentice Hall}.