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[match/match.git] / program / GraphStuff.hs.old
... / ...
1-- I wrote this to help with NaiveMinCostFlow but abandoned it. Wrapping is
2-- more trouble than it's worth, and NaiveMinCostFlow needs access to its ST
3-- monad in the edge-filtering test, which would have required more mess here.
5module GraphStuff where
6import Data.Graph.Inductive.Graph
8data EdgeMapper b1 b2 = EdgeMapper {
9 -- Map the predecessor and successor edges of the given node for a context.
10 mapAdj :: Node -> (Adj b1, Adj b1) -> (Adj b2, Adj b2),
11 -- For labEdges. Should be consistent with the above two!!!
12 mapLEdge :: LEdge b1 -> [LEdge b2]
15data EdgeMappedGraph a b = forall gr b1. Graph gr => EdgeMappedGraph {
16 emgMapper :: EdgeMapper b1 b,
17 emgOrig :: gr a b1
20edgeMapContext :: EdgeMapper b1 b2 -> Context a b1 -> Context a b2
21edgeMapContext mapper (p, n, nl, s) =
22 let (p2, s2) = (mapAdj mapper) n (p, s) in (p2, n, nl, s2)
24instance Graph EdgeMappedGraph where
25 isEmpty g = null (labEdges g)
26 labNodes (EdgeMappedGraph mapper orig) = labNodes orig
27 noNodes (EdgeMappedGraph mapper orig) = noNodes orig
28 nodeRange (EdgeMappedGraph mapper orig) = nodeRange orig
29 labEdges (EdgeMappedGraph mapper orig) = concatMap (mapLEdge mapper) (labEdges orig)
31 match n (EdgeMappedGraph mapper orig) =
32 let
33 (mCtx, g1) = match n orig
34 mCtx2 = do
35 ctx <- mCtx
36 return (edgeMapContext mapper ctx)
37 in (mCtx2, EdgeMappedGraph mapper g1)
39 matchAny (EdgeMappedGraph mapper orig) =
40 let (ctx, g1) = matchAny orig in
41 (edgeMapContext mapper ctx, EdgeMappedGraph mapper g1)
43 -- Graph construction: not supported.
44 empty = undefined
45 mkGraph nodes edges = undefined
47buildEdgeMappedGraph :: Graph gr => EdgeMapper b1 b2 -> gr a b1 -> gr a b2
48buildEdgeMappedGraph mapper g =
49 mkGraph (labNodes g) (concatMap (mapLEdge mapper) $ labEdges g)
51edgeFilterMapper :: (LEdge b -> Bool) -> EdgeMapper b b
52edgeFilterMapper ff = EdgeMapper
53 (\n (p, s) -> (filter (\(el, pn) -> ff (pn, n, el)) p,
54 filter (\(el, sn) -> ff ( n, sn, el)) s))
55 (\edge -> if ff edge then [edge] else [])
57-- Returns a wrapper (whose type does not support graph construction) instead
58-- of building a new graph of the original type.
59filterEdgesLite :: Graph gr => (LEdge b -> Bool) -> gr a b -> EdgeMappedGraph a b
60filterEdgesLite filterF graph = EdgeMappedGraph (edgeFilterMapper filterF) graph
62edgeBidirectorMapper :: (Bool -> b1 -> b2) -> EdgeMapper b1 b2
63edgeBidirectorMapper flipF = EdgeMapper
64 (\n (p, s) -> (
65 map (\(el, pn) -> (flipF False el, pn)) p ++
66 map (\(el, sn) -> (flipF True el, sn)) s,
67 map (\(el, sn) -> (flipF False el, sn)) s ++
68 map (\(el, pn) -> (flipF True el, pn)) p))
69 (\(pn, sn, el) -> [(pn, sn, flipF False el), (sn, pn, flipF True el)])
71bidirectEdgesLite :: Graph gr => (Bool -> b1 -> b2) -> gr a b1 -> EdgeMappedGraph a b2
72bidirectEdgesLite flipF graph = EdgeMappedGraph (edgeBidirectorMapper flipF) graph
74buildBidirectedEdgeGraph :: Graph gr => (Bool -> b1 -> b2) -> gr a b1 -> gr a b2
75buildBidirectedEdgeGraph flipF graph = buildEdgeMappedGraph (edgeBidirectorMapper flipF) graph