Eta-expand mrandomR to keep GHC 6.6.1 on birdy happy.
[match/match.git] / program / TestUtils.hs
... / ...
1module TestUtils where
2import Control.Concurrent
3import Data.Array.IArray
4import Data.Graph.Inductive.Graph
5import Data.Graph.Inductive.Graphviz
6import Data.Graph.Inductive.Tree
7import Data.List
8import System.IO
9import System.Random
10import System.Posix.IO
11import System.Posix.Time
12import System.Process
13import PMInstance
14import PMConfig
15import ProposalMatcher
16import PMDefaults
17import PMInstanceGenerator
18import Evaluation
19import MonadStuff
20import RandomizedMonad
22-- This module has stuff that is helpful for testing but isn't itself an example.
24-- A fixed-seeded random number generator for reproducible experimentation.
25myGen = read "314159265 1" :: StdGen
27-- Visualization stuff.
28data REdgeF = REdgeF Int Int Int Wt
29instance Show REdgeF where
30 show (REdgeF idx cap flow cost) = "#" ++ (show idx) ++ ": "
31 ++ (show flow) ++ " of " ++ (show cap) ++ " @ " ++ (show cost)
32flowAnnotate g fa =
33 mkGraph (labNodes g) (map (\(n1, n2, REdge i ca co) ->
34 (n1, n2, REdgeF i ca (fa ! i) co)) $ labEdges g) :: Gr () REdgeF
36showInstanceAsGraph :: PMInstance -> PMatching -> Gr String String
37showInstanceAsGraph (PMInstance numRvrs numProps rloadA prefA) matchedPairs =
38 let
39 rvrNode i = i
40 propNode j = numRvrs + j
41 numNodes = numRvrs + numProps
42 theNodes = map (\i -> (rvrNode i, "R#" ++ show i ++
43 " (RLoad " ++ show (rloadA ! i) ++ ")")) [0..numRvrs-1] ++
44 map (\j -> (propNode j, "P#" ++ show j)) [0..numProps-1]
45 parenthesizeIf False s = s
46 parenthesizeIf True s = "(" ++ s ++ ")"
47 theEdges = do
48 i <- [0..numRvrs-1]
49 j <- [0..numProps-1]
50 return (rvrNode i, propNode j,
51 parenthesizeIf (elem (i, j) matchedPairs) $ show (prefA ! (i, j)))
52 in mkGraph theNodes theEdges
54goFile :: String -> IO ()
55goFile fname = do
56 pid <- runCommand ("gnome-open " ++ fname)
57 waitForProcess pid -- gnome-open exits immediately
58 nop
60createHandlePipe :: IO (Handle, Handle)
61createHandlePipe = do
62 (rFd, wFd) <- createPipe
63 rH <- fdToHandle rFd
64 wH <- fdToHandle wFd
65 return (rH, wH)
67-- GHCi seems to crash if I call this on a "showInstanceAsGraph" result without
68-- having previously forced evaluation of the matching.
69goGraph :: (Show a, Show b, Graph gr) => gr a b -> IO ()
70goGraph theGraph =
71 -- First generate graphviz code.
72 let gvCode = graphviz' theGraph in do
73 -- Then have `dot' convert it to postscript in a file.
74 (rH, wH) <- createHandlePipe
75 pt <- epochTime
76 let fname = "graph-" ++ show pt ++ ".ps"
77 dotPid <- runProcess "dot" ["-Tps", "-o", fname]
78 Nothing Nothing (Just rH) Nothing Nothing
79 forkIO (do
80 hPutStr wH gvCode
81 hClose wH)
82 waitForProcess dotPid
83 -- Then open the file.
84 goFile fname
86-- Both-ways list difference
87(/\) :: Eq a => [a] -> [a] -> ([a], [a])
88l1 /\ l2 = (l1 \\ l2, l2 \\ l1)
90-- Evaluation!
91runEvaluation nr np = do
92 let inst = runRandom myGen $ randomInstance nr np
93 putStr (show inst ++ "\n")
94 let m0 = doMatching pmDefaults{loadTolerance = 0} inst
95 putStr ("Matching with load tolerance 0:\n" ++ show m0 ++ "\n")
96 let m1 = doMatching pmDefaults{loadTolerance = 1} inst
97 putStr ("Matching with load tolerance 1:\n" ++ show m1 ++ "\n")
98 putStr ("Differences:\n" ++ show (m0 /\ m1) ++ "\n")
99 let e0 = evaluateMatching pmDefaults{loadTolerance = 0} inst m0
100 putStr ("Evaluation of first matching:\n" ++ show e0 ++ "\n")
101 let e1 = evaluateMatching pmDefaults{loadTolerance = 1} inst m1
102 putStr ("Evaluation of second matching:\n" ++ show e1 ++ "\n")
103 putStr ("Evaluation differences:\n" ++
104 show (sortedDiffEvaluations e0 e1) ++ "\n")