The proposal matcher. It works on a small example.
[match/match.git] / BellmanFord.hs
... / ...
1module BellmanFord {-(spTree)-} where
2import Data.Graph.Inductive.Graph
3import Data.Graph.Inductive.Internal.Queue
4import Data.Graph.Inductive.Internal.RootPath
5import Data.Array.Diff
7data NodeInfo b = NodeInfo {
8 path :: Maybe [LNode b],
9 changed :: Bool
11data Graph gr => BFState gr a b = BFState {
12 theGraph :: gr a b,
13 nis :: DiffArray Node (NodeInfo b),
14 changedQ :: Queue Node
17nisToLRTree nis = do
18 ni <- elems nis
19 case path ni of
20 Just lnl -> return (LP lnl)
21 Nothing -> fail "Node is unreachable"
23offerPath :: (Graph gr, Real b) => BFState gr a b -> [LNode b] -> BFState gr a b
24offerPath bfs newPath@((dest, newDist): _) =
25 -- Is newPath the first path to dest, or better than the previous one?
26 let adoptPath =
27 case path (nis bfs ! dest) of
28 Nothing -> True
29 Just ((_, oldDist) : _) -> newDist < oldDist
30 in
31 if adoptPath then
32 bfs{
33 -- Update NodeInfo with the new path.
34 nis = nis bfs // [(dest, NodeInfo (Just newPath) True)],
35 changedQ = if changed (nis bfs ! dest)
36 then changedQ bfs -- Already on the queue; leave as is.
37 else queuePut dest (changedQ bfs) -- Add to queue.
38 }
39 else bfs -- Don't update anything.
41processEdge :: (Graph gr, Real b) => [LNode b] -> LEdge b -> BFState gr a b -> BFState gr a b
42processEdge srcPath@((_, srcDist) : _) (_, dest, edgeLen) bfs =
43 let newPath = (dest, srcDist + edgeLen) : srcPath in
44 offerPath bfs newPath
46search :: (Graph gr, Real b) => BFState gr a b -> LRTree b
47search bfs =
48 if queueEmpty (changedQ bfs) then
49 -- Finished.
50 nisToLRTree (nis bfs)
51 else
52 -- Process a changed node from the queue.
53 let (src, moreQ) = queueGet (changedQ bfs) in
54 let srcNI = nis bfs ! src in
55 -- Clear src's changed flag.
56 let bfs1 = bfs{nis = nis bfs // [(src, srcNI{changed = False})], changedQ = moreQ} in
57 let Just srcPath = path srcNI in
58 let outEdges = out (theGraph bfs) src in
59 let newBFS = foldr (processEdge srcPath) bfs1 outEdges in
60 search newBFS
62spTree :: (Graph gr, Real b) => Node -> gr a b -> LRTree b
63spTree source theGraph = let theNodes = range (nodeRange theGraph) in
64 let emptyBFS = BFState theGraph
65 (array (nodeRange theGraph) (map (\n -> (n, NodeInfo Nothing False)) theNodes))
66 mkQueue in
67 -- Start with a zero-length path to the source.
68 let initBFS = offerPath emptyBFS [(source, 0)] in
69 search initBFS