The random instance generator and other improvements.
[match/match.git] / program / Instance.hs
... / ...
1module Instance where
2import Data.Array.IArray
3import Data.Array.Unboxed
4import ArrayStuff
5import Formatter
7type Wt = Double -- must implement RealFrac
9data Instance = Instance
10 Int -- numReviewers
11 Int -- numProposals
12 (UArray Int Wt) -- ! reviewer -> relative load
13 (UArray (Int, Int) Wt) -- ! (reviewer, proposal) -> pref
14 deriving Eq
16instance Show Instance where
17 show (Instance numRvrs numProps loadA prefA) =
18 "Instance: " ++ show numRvrs ++ " reviewers, " ++ show numProps ++ " proposals\n"
19 ++ "Reviewer relative load: " ++ show loadA ++ "\n"
20 ++ "Preferences:\n"
21 ++ formatTable (array2DtoListOfLists (amap2 show prefA :: Array (Int, Int) String))