Evidently ghci needs -cpp even if all the modules are already compiled.
[match/match.git] / program / IOStuff.hs
... / ...
1module IOStuff (interactWithCommand) where
2import System.IO
3import System.Process
4import System.Exit
5import Control.Concurrent
6import Control.Concurrent.MVar
8-- Like hGetContents but reads all the input before returning, resulting in
9-- more predictable behavior.
10hStrictGetContents :: Handle -> IO String
11hStrictGetContents h = do
12 c <- hGetContents h
13 -- Note to self: The seq has to be *outside* the return. Otherwise the
14 -- seqified thunk will just be returned to the caller, defeating the
15 -- purpose.
16 seq (length c) $ return c
18interactWithCommand :: String -> String -> IO String
19interactWithCommand cmd inData = do
20 (inH, outH, errH, pid) <- runInteractiveCommand cmd
21 forkIO (do
22 hPutStr inH inData
23 hClose inH)
24 outDataMV <- newEmptyMVar
25 forkIO (do
26 outData <- hStrictGetContents outH
27 putMVar outDataMV outData)
28 errDataMV <- newEmptyMVar
29 forkIO (do
30 errData <- hStrictGetContents errH
31 putMVar errDataMV errData)
32 outData <- takeMVar outDataMV
33 errData <- takeMVar errDataMV
34 ex <- waitForProcess pid
35 if ex == ExitSuccess && length errData == 0
36 then return outData
37 else error $ "Command " ++ show cmd ++ " failed: "
38 ++ "stderr " ++ show errData ++ ", exit " ++ show ex