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[match/match.git] / program / ProposalMatcher.hs
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1module ProposalMatcher where
2import Data.Array.IArray
3import Data.Graph.Inductive.Graph
4import Data.Graph.Inductive.Tree
5import Data.List
6import Data.Either
8import ArrayStuff
9import MonadStuff
10import PMInstance
11import PMConfig
13prefBoringness cfg p = if prefIsVeryBoring cfg p then 2
14 else if prefIsBoring cfg p then 1 else 0
15expExpertness cfg x = if expIsExpert cfg x then 2
16 else if expIsKnowledgeable cfg x then 1 else 0
18data REdge = REdge {
19 reIdx :: Int,
20 reCap :: Int,
21 reCost :: Wt
24instance Show REdge where
25 show (REdge idx cap cost) = "#" ++ (show idx) ++ ": "
26 ++ (show cap) ++ " @ " ++ (show cost)
28data ReductionResult = ReductionResult {
29 rrGraph :: Gr () REdge,
30 rrSource :: Node,
31 rrSink :: Node,
32 rrEIdxBounds :: (Int, Int),
33 rrEDIdx :: (Int, Int) -> Int
36-- Hack: show as much of the reduction result as we easily can
37data RR1 = RR1 (Gr () REdge) Node Node (Int, Int) deriving Show
38instance Show ReductionResult where
39 show (ReductionResult g so si eib _) = show (RR1 g so si eib)
41indexEdges :: Int -> [(Int, Int, REdge)] -> (Int, [(Int, Int, REdge)])
42indexEdges i [] = (i, [])
43indexEdges i ((v1, v2, re):es) =
44 let (imax, ies) = indexEdges (i+1) es in
45 (imax, (v1, v2, re{ reIdx = i }) : ies)
47implies :: Bool -> Bool -> Bool
48x `implies` y = (not x) || y
50doReduction :: PMConfig -> PMInstance -> ReductionResult
51doReduction cfg (PMInstance numRvrs numProps rloadA prefA expA fixA pnrA) =
52 let
53 -- Need to figure out who is PC/ERC
54 isPC = (funcArray (0, numRvrs-1) (\i -> (rloadA ! i) == 1)) :: Array Int Bool
55 isPCPaper = (funcArray (0, numProps-1) (\j -> all (\i -> (isPC ! i) `implies` (prefIsConflict cfg $ (prefA ! (i, j)))) [0 .. numRvrs - 1])) :: Array Int Bool
56 source = 0
57 sink = 1
58 rvrNode i boringness = 2 + 3*i + boringness
59 -- We will waste a lot of nodes. Who cares, no one will visit them.
60 propNode j k = 2 + 3*numRvrs + 7*j + k
61 numNodes = 2 + 3*numRvrs + 7*numProps
62 edIdx (i, j) = i*numProps + j
63 in
64 let
65 totalReviews = sum $ elems pnrA -- (reviewsEachProposal cfg) * numProps
66 totalRelativeLoad = foldl (+) 0 (map (rloadA !) [0 .. numRvrs - 1])
67 -- floor goes best with loadTolerance 2
68 targetLoad i = floor (widenInteger totalReviews * (rloadA ! i) / totalRelativeLoad) - 1
69 -- Edge groups A through H are indicated in the figure in the paper.
70 edgesABC = do
71 i <- [0 .. numRvrs - 1]
72 let tl = targetLoad i
73 let lt = if isPC ! i then loadTolerance cfg else ercLoadTolerance cfg
74 let freeEdgeA = (source, rvrNode i 0, REdge undefined tl 0)
75 let nonfreeEdgesA = do
76 l <- [tl .. tl + lt - 1]
77 let costA = marginalLoadCost cfg ((widenInteger (l - tl) + 1/2) / widenInteger lt)
78 return (source, rvrNode i 0, REdge undefined 1 costA)
79 let edgesBC = do
80 l <- [0 .. tl + lt - 1]
81 let costB = marginalBoringCost cfg ((widenInteger l + 1/2) / widenInteger tl)
82 let edgeB = (rvrNode i 0, rvrNode i 1, REdge undefined 1 costB)
83 let costC = marginalVeryBoringCost cfg ((widenInteger l + 1/2) / widenInteger tl)
84 let edgeC = (rvrNode i 1, rvrNode i 2, REdge undefined 1 costC)
85 [edgeB, edgeC]
86 [freeEdgeA] ++ nonfreeEdgesA ++ edgesBC
87 edgesDFix = do
88 i <- [0 .. numRvrs - 1]
89 j <- [0 .. numProps - 1]
90 let pref = prefA ! (i, j)
91 let xp = expA ! (i, j)
92 -- We must generate an edge even if there is a conflict
93 -- of interest; otherwise we'll fail to read its flow
94 -- value in doMatching.
95 let xp_ = expExpertness cfg xp
96 let pn = propNode j $ if (isPC ! i)
97 then xp_ + 3 -- Can assume it is a PC paper, otherwise it would conflict anyway.
98 else xp_
99 let rn = rvrNode i (prefBoringness cfg pref)
100 if fixA ! (i, j)
101 -- Max flow will emulate one unit of flow through the edge,
102 -- at a cost of increasing the total flow value by 1.
103 then [Right (rn, sink, REdge undefined 1 0),
104 Right (source, pn, REdge undefined 1 0)]
105 else [Left (rn, pn, REdge (edIdx (i, j))
106 (if prefIsConflict cfg pref then 0 else 1)
107 (assignmentCost cfg pref))]
108 edgesD = lefts edgesDFix
109 edgesFix = rights edgesDFix
110 edgesEFGH = do
111 j <- [0 .. numProps - 1]
112 -- This is now different...
113 let numReviews = pnrA ! j
114 if isPCPaper ! j
115 then do -- Mostly traditional.
116 -- Expert bonus
117 let edgeFFirst = (propNode j 2, propNode j 1, REdge undefined 1 (-(expertBonus cfg)))
118 let edgeFRest = (propNode j 2, propNode j 1, REdge undefined (numReviews - 1) 0)
119 -- Second kowledgeable bonus
120 let edgeGFirst = (propNode j 1, propNode j 0, REdge undefined 1 (-(knowledgeableBonus cfg)))
121 let edgeGRest = (propNode j 1, propNode j 0, REdge undefined (numReviews - 2) 0)
122 -- Require one knowledgeable
123 let edgeH1 = (propNode j 1, sink, REdge undefined 1 0)
124 let edgeH = (propNode j 0, sink, REdge undefined (numReviews - 1) 0)
125 [edgeFFirst, edgeFRest, edgeGFirst, edgeGRest, edgeH1, edgeH]
126 else do -- New gadget; man, a lot of edges
127 let numPCReviews = pcReviewsEachProposal cfg
128 if numReviews < numPCReviews then fail "numReviews for paper < numPCReviews" else nop
129 -- Structure to distribute knowledgeable PC members
130 let edgesP = [(propNode j k, propNode j 6, REdge undefined numPCReviews 0) | k <- [4 .. 5]]
131 let edgesR = [(propNode j k, propNode j (k - 3), REdge undefined (numReviews - numPCReviews) 0) | k <- [4 .. 5]]
132 -- "Designated knowledgeable" with expert bonus
133 let edgeF = (propNode j 2, propNode j 1, REdge undefined (numReviews - numPCReviews) (-(expertBonus cfg)))
134 let edgeH1 = (propNode j 1, sink, REdge undefined (numReviews - numPCReviews) 0)
135 -- "Designated PC" with knowledgeable bonus
136 let edgeGFirst = (propNode j 6, propNode j 3, REdge undefined 1 (-(knowledgeableBonus cfg)))
137 let edgeGRest = (propNode j 6, propNode j 3, REdge undefined (numPCReviews - 1) 0)
138 let edgeH = (propNode j 3, sink, REdge undefined (numPCReviews) 0)
139 edgesP ++ edgesR ++ [edgeF, edgeH1, edgeGFirst, edgeGRest, edgeH]
140 theNodes = [(x, ()) | x <- [0 .. numNodes - 1]]
141 -- Index the non-D edges
142 unindexedEdges = edgesABC ++ edgesFix ++ edgesEFGH
143 (imax, reindexedEdges) = indexEdges (numRvrs*numProps) unindexedEdges
144 theEdges = edgesD ++ reindexedEdges
145 in
146 ReductionResult (mkGraph theNodes theEdges) source sink (0, imax-1) edIdx
148-- Returns a list of reviews as ordered pairs (reviewer#, proposal#).
149doMatching :: PMConfig -> PMInstance -> PMatching
150doMatching cfg inst@(PMInstance numRvrs numProps _ _ _ fixA _) =
151 let ReductionResult graph source sink idxBounds edIdx = doReduction cfg inst in
152 let flowArray = minCostFlow cfg idxBounds reIdx reCap reCost graph (source, sink) in
153 let pairs = do
154 i <- [0 .. numRvrs - 1]
155 j <- [0 .. numProps - 1]
156 if fixA ! (i, j) || flowArray ! edIdx (i, j) == 1
157 then [(i, j)]
158 else []
159 in
160 PMatching (sort pairs) -- for prettiness