Add conflicts of interest to the InstanceGenerator and make some other cleanups.
[match/match.git] / program / TestUtils.hs
... / ...
1module TestUtils where
2import Control.Concurrent
3import Data.Array.IArray
4import Data.Graph.Inductive.Graph
5import Data.Graph.Inductive.Graphviz
6import Data.Graph.Inductive.Tree
7import System.IO
8import System.Random
9import System.Posix.IO
10import System.Posix.Time
11import System.Process
12import Instance
13import ProposalMatcher
14import MonadStuff
16-- This module has stuff that is helpful for testing but isn't itself an example.
18-- A fixed-seeded random number generator for reproducible experimentation.
19myGen = read "314159265 1" :: StdGen
21-- Visualization stuff.
22data REdgeF = REdgeF Int Int Int Wt
23instance Show REdgeF where
24 show (REdgeF idx cap flow cost) = "#" ++ (show idx) ++ ": "
25 ++ (show flow) ++ " of " ++ (show cap) ++ " @ " ++ (show cost)
26flowAnnotate g fa =
27 mkGraph (labNodes g) (map (\(n1, n2, REdge i ca co) ->
28 (n1, n2, REdgeF i ca (fa ! i) co)) $ labEdges g) :: Gr () REdgeF
30showInstanceAsGraph :: Instance -> [(Int, Int)] -> Gr String String
31showInstanceAsGraph (Instance numRvrs numProps rloadA prefA) matchedPairs =
32 let
33 rvrNode i = i
34 propNode j = numRvrs + j
35 numNodes = numRvrs + numProps
36 theNodes = map (\i -> (rvrNode i, "R#" ++ show i ++
37 " (RLoad " ++ show (rloadA ! i) ++ ")")) [0..numRvrs-1] ++
38 map (\j -> (propNode j, "P#" ++ show j)) [0..numProps-1]
39 parenthesizeIf False s = s
40 parenthesizeIf True s = "(" ++ s ++ ")"
41 theEdges = do
42 i <- [0..numRvrs-1]
43 j <- [0..numProps-1]
44 return (rvrNode i, propNode j,
45 parenthesizeIf (elem (i, j) matchedPairs) $ show (prefA ! (i, j)))
46 in mkGraph theNodes theEdges
48goFile :: String -> IO ()
49goFile fname = do
50 pid <- runCommand ("gnome-open " ++ fname)
51 waitForProcess pid -- gnome-open exits immediately
52 nop
54createHandlePipe :: IO (Handle, Handle)
55createHandlePipe = do
56 (rFd, wFd) <- createPipe
57 rH <- fdToHandle rFd
58 wH <- fdToHandle wFd
59 return (rH, wH)
61-- GHCi seems to crash if I call this on a "showInstanceAsGraph" result without
62-- having previously forced evaluation of the matching.
63goGraph :: (Show a, Show b, Graph gr) => gr a b -> IO ()
64goGraph theGraph =
65 -- First generate graphviz code.
66 let gvCode = graphviz' theGraph in do
67 -- Then have `dot' convert it to postscript in a file.
68 (rH, wH) <- createHandlePipe
69 pt <- epochTime
70 let fname = "graph-" ++ show pt ++ ".ps"
71 dotPid <- runProcess "dot" ["-Tps", "-o", fname]
72 Nothing Nothing (Just rH) Nothing Nothing
73 forkIO (do
74 hPutStr wH gvCode
75 hClose wH)
76 waitForProcess dotPid
77 -- Then open the file.
78 goFile fname