Add conflicts of interest to the InstanceGenerator and make some other cleanups.
[match/match.git] / program / CS2MinCostFlow.hs
... / ...
1module CS2MinCostFlow (minCostFlow) where
2import IMinCostFlow
3import IOStuff
4import System.IO.Unsafe
5import Data.Graph.Inductive.Graph
6import Data.Array.IArray
7import Data.List
8import Data.Function
10-- Configure the path to cs2.exe relative to the program/ directory here.
11cs2cmd = "./cs2.exe"
13runCS2 :: String -> String
14-- Using unsafePerformIO is non-ideal, but it gives a consistent interface
15-- for the min-cost flow function.
16runCS2 inData = unsafePerformIO (interactWithCommand cs2cmd inData)
18data MCFEdge i f c = MCFEdge {
19 eFrom :: Node,
20 eTo :: Node,
21 eCost :: c,
22 eMIdx :: Maybe i,
23 eCap :: f
24} deriving (Eq, Ord)
26round2 :: Real a => a -> Int
27round2 x = fromInteger (round (toRational x))
29minCostFlow :: MinCostFlowImpl
30minCostFlow idxBounds edgeIdx edgeCap edgeCost theGraph (source, sink) =
31 let
32 (nLo, nHi) = nodeRange theGraph
33 theEdges = labEdges theGraph
34 -- HACK: Add a highly negative-cost edge from sink to
35 -- source to get CS2 to compute a max flow.
36 edges2 = MCFEdge sink source (-100000) Nothing 10000 :
37 map (\(n1, n2, l) -> MCFEdge n1 n2 (edgeCost l) (Just (edgeIdx l)) (edgeCap l))
38 theEdges
39 -- HACK: Round capacities and costs to integers so CS2 can
40 -- handle them. The proposal matcher's capacities are integers,
41 -- and its costs are so large that the error should be insignificant.
42 inData = "p min " ++ show (nHi + 1 - nLo) ++ " " ++ show (length edges2) ++ "\n"
43 ++ "n 1 0\n" -- Dummy node description to make CS2 parser happy.
44 ++ concatMap (\(MCFEdge n1 n2 cost _ cap) ->
45 "a " ++ show (n1 - nLo + 1) ++ " " ++ show (n2 - nLo + 1)
46 ++ " 0 " ++ show (round2 cap)
47 ++ " " ++ show (round2 cost) ++ "\n")
48 edges2
49 outData = runCS2 inData
50 -- Unfortunately CS2 doesn't support edge ID numbers, so we
51 -- have to manually apply the "flow items" it produced to the
52 -- appropriate edges in order of increasing cost.
53 -- Extract ((n1, n2), f) tuples from the output.
54 flowItems = concatMap (\l -> let w:ws = words l in
55 if w == "f"
56 then let
57 [n1s, n2s, fs] = ws
58 n1 = (read n1s :: Int) - 1 + nLo
59 n2 = (read n2s :: Int) - 1 + nLo
60 fv = fromInteger (toInteger (read fs :: Int))
61 in [((n1, n2), fv)]
62 else []
63 ) (lines outData)
64 -- Total the flow for each node pair (n1, n2) to simplify matters.
65 flowGroups = groupBy ((==) `on` fst) (sort flowItems)
66 npFlows = map (\l@((n12, _):_) ->
67 (n12, sum $ map snd l)) flowGroups
68 applyFlows fis [] = case fis of
69 [] -> []
70 _ -> error "CS2MinCostFlow: some flow items could not be applied"
71 applyFlows fis es@(e@(MCFEdge n1 n2 _ mi cap):moreEs) =
72 let (ef, fisLeft) = case fis of
73 -- Note to self: One can't test equality in a
74 -- pattern by reusing a variable name. Use a
75 -- guard instead.
76 ((fn1, fn2), fv):moreFis | fn1 == n1 && fn2 == n2 ->
77 -- This edge gets (min f cap) flow.
78 (min fv cap, if fv > cap
79 then ((n1, n2), fv - cap) : moreFis
80 else moreFis)
81 _ -> (0, fis) -- No flow for this edge.
82 in (mi, ef) : applyFlows fisLeft moreEs
83 theEdgeFlows = applyFlows npFlows (sort edges2)
84 -- Get rid of the flow on our hack edge.
85 realEdgeFlows = concatMap (\(mi, ef) -> case mi of
86 Just i -> [(i, ef)]
87 Nothing -> []
88 ) theEdgeFlows
89 in array idxBounds realEdgeFlows