New features from Tuesday call:
[match/match.git] / program / BellmanFord.hs
5a07db44 1module BellmanFord (bellmanFord, BFPath(BFPath)) where
2import Data.Graph.Inductive.Graph
3import Data.Graph.Inductive.Internal.Queue
4import Data.Array.IArray
5import Data.Array.ST
6import Data.STRef
7import Control.Monad.ST
8import ArrayQueue
9import MonadStuff
10import Data.List
d7d9561e 11
12-- Path to a node
13data Real w => BFPath b w = BFPath {
14 pLen :: w, -- Total distance at the end of the path
15 pDest :: Node, -- Destination of the path
16 pFrom :: Maybe (b, BFPath b w) -- Last edge and remaining path (Nothing for source)
17} deriving Show
19data (Graph gr, Real w) => BFState s gr a b w = BFState {
20 bfsGraph :: gr a b,
21 bfsEdgeWt :: b -> w,
22 bfsMPaths :: STArray s Node (Maybe (BFPath b w)),
23 bfsChanged :: ArrayQueue s,
24 -- Sentinel in the queue that ends a pass.
25 bfsPassEnder :: Node,
26 -- The length of the paths we are currently considering.
27 -- If this reaches the number of nodes in the graph, we must have a negative cycle.
28 bfsPass :: STRef s Int
32negativeCycleCheck :: (Graph gr, Real w) => BFState s gr a b w ->
33 BFPath b w -> ST s ()
34negativeCycleCheck state path =
35 let getNodes (BFPath _ dst from) = dst : case from of
36 Nothing -> []
37 Just (_, p1) -> getNodes p1 in
38 let nodes = getNodes path in
39 if length (nub nodes) < length nodes
40 then error ("Negative cycle detected: " ++ show path)
41 else nop
44offerPath :: (Graph gr, Real w) => BFState s gr a b w ->
45 BFPath b w -> ST s ()
46offerPath state newPath@(BFPath newLen dest _) = do
47 oldMPath <- readArray (bfsMPaths state) dest
48 -- Is newPath the first path to dest or shorter than the existing one?
49 let adoptPath = case oldMPath of
50 Nothing -> True
51 Just (BFPath oldLen _ _) -> newLen < oldLen
52 if adoptPath
53 then do
54 -- Save the new path.
55 writeArray (bfsMPaths state) dest (Just newPath)
56 -- Mark dest as changed.
57 aqEnqueue (bfsChanged state) dest
58 nop
59 else nop -- Don't update anything.
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61processEdge :: (Graph gr, Real w) => BFState s gr a b w ->
62 BFPath b w -> LEdge b -> ST s ()
63processEdge state path1@(BFPath len1 _ _) (_, dest, label) = do
64 let edgeLen = (bfsEdgeWt state) label
65 let newPath = BFPath (len1 + edgeLen) dest (Just (label, path1))
66 offerPath state newPath
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68endPass :: (Graph gr, Real w) => BFState s gr a b w -> ST s ()
69endPass state = do
70 qEmpty <- aqIsEmpty (bfsChanged state)
71 if qEmpty
72 then nop -- No nodes to visit on the next pass. We're done.
73 else do
74 -- Increment the pass number.
75 modifySTRef (bfsPass state) (+ 1)
76 p <- readSTRef (bfsPass state)
77 if p == noNodes (bfsGraph state)
78 then error "BellmanFord: Negative cycle detected!"
79 else do
80 -- Re-enqueue the pass ender.
81 aqEnqueue (bfsChanged state) (bfsPassEnder state)
82 search state -- Continue with the next pass.
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5dcb8125 84search :: (Graph gr, Real w) => BFState s gr a b w -> ST s ()
85search state = do
86 Just node <- aqDequeue (bfsChanged state)
87 if node == bfsPassEnder state
88 then endPass state
89 else do
90 mPath1 <- readArray (bfsMPaths state) node
91 let Just path1 = mPath1
92 sequence $ map (processEdge state path1) $
93 out (bfsGraph state) node
94 search state -- Keep going.
d7d9561e 95
96bellmanFord :: (Graph gr, Real w) =>
97 (b -> w) -> -- Edge label -> weight
98 Node -> -- Source node
99 gr a b -> -- Graph
100 Array Node (Maybe (BFPath b w)) -- ! node -> maybe a path
101bellmanFord edgeWt source theGraph = runSTArray (do
102 mPaths <- newArray (nodeRange theGraph) Nothing
103 let (nlo, nhi) = nodeRange theGraph
104 let passEnder = nlo - 1
105 changed <- newArrayQueue (passEnder, nhi) -- Queue can contain the pass ender.
106 pass <- newSTRef 0
107 let state = BFState theGraph edgeWt mPaths changed passEnder pass
108 -- Pass is 0, and the queue contains a node that was offered a path with 0 edges.
109 offerPath state (BFPath 0 source Nothing)
110 aqEnqueue (bfsChanged state) (bfsPassEnder state)
111 search state
112 return (bfsMPaths state)
113 )