[bigint] Question about your library...

Matt McCutchen <matt>
Wed Feb 13 07:31:57 PST 2008

On Wed, 2008-02-13 at 10:14 -0500, Austin Moss wrote:
> Perhaps I'm just being stupid, but it can't hurt to ask, right?
> I'm new in C++ and programming in general, but I wrote a primefinding
> program to both find prime numbers and test a number for primality.
> Your bigint library would be nice because then I could test very large
> numbers. 
> How do I download the library so Dev C++(which is the compiler I use)
> can access it?

?I'm not familiar with Dev C++, but for most IDEs, you would just
download and extract the zip file and use your IDE's command to add all
the *.cc and *.hh files to your "project".

> Are there any special keywords I need to know to use bigints or do I
> just treat bigger integers like regular ones?

Well, you declare the variables as type BigInteger instead of int, but
other than that, they work more or less the same as regular ints.  See
sample.cc for some examples of what you can do with BigIntegers.


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