Status: dormant; 2004
In 2004, I wrote a small MATLAB program that animates geometric inversion of the plane, bringing arbitrary polar-parametric curves along. If you have MATLAB or a compatible system, try it out! As of 2020-08-31, I tested that this still works on Octave after almost 16 years, though it isn't as pretty out of the box.
Description | File | Size | Modification time |
Inversion animation package | inversion-animation.tar.bz2 | 2013 | 2006-01-15 02:38:48 +0000 |
Inversion animation package | | 3000 | 2006-01-15 02:39:30 +0000 |
MATT MCCUTCHEN'S INVERSION ANIMATION ==================================== To use this software: 1. Launch MATLAB and put the folder with the four included .m files on your MATLAB path. 2. At the command prompt, type: inversionAnimationDemo to see the demo: inversion of a line and a circle. 3. If you want to invert your own curves, type: help inversionAnimation for information on how to use the underlying ``inversionAnimation'' routine. For example, this command inverts a parabola with a focus at the origin, giving a cardioid: inversionAnimation(3, (0:pi/12:2*pi)', {inline('[1./(1+cos(t)),t]','t')}) A little MATLAB experience helps here. 4. If you want to invert a tic-tac-toe board, type: invertATicTacToeBoard You can also invert it with Xs and Os on it by supplying a 3x3 matrix of 1s (X), -1s (O), and 0s (blank). Play inverted tic-tac-toe; it's fun!