/* * Backup handling code. * * Copyright (C) 1999 Andrew Tridgell * Copyright (C) 2003-2009 Wayne Davison * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along * with this program; if not, visit the http://fsf.org website. */ #include "rsync.h" #include "ifuncs.h" extern int am_root; extern int preserve_acls; extern int preserve_xattrs; extern int preserve_devices; extern int preserve_specials; extern int preserve_links; extern int safe_symlinks; extern int backup_dir_len; extern unsigned int backup_dir_remainder; extern char backup_dir_buf[MAXPATHLEN]; extern char *backup_suffix; extern char *backup_dir; /* make a complete pathname for backup file */ char *get_backup_name(const char *fname) { if (backup_dir) { if (stringjoin(backup_dir_buf + backup_dir_len, backup_dir_remainder, fname, backup_suffix, NULL) < backup_dir_remainder) return backup_dir_buf; } else { if (stringjoin(backup_dir_buf, MAXPATHLEN, fname, backup_suffix, NULL) < MAXPATHLEN) return backup_dir_buf; } rprintf(FERROR, "backup filename too long\n"); return NULL; } /**************************************************************************** Create a directory given an absolute path, perms based upon another directory path ****************************************************************************/ int make_bak_dir(const char *fullpath) { char fbuf[MAXPATHLEN], *rel, *end, *p; struct file_struct *file; int len = backup_dir_len; stat_x sx; while (*fullpath == '.' && fullpath[1] == '/') { fullpath += 2; len -= 2; } if (strlcpy(fbuf, fullpath, sizeof fbuf) >= sizeof fbuf) return -1; rel = fbuf + len; end = p = rel + strlen(rel); /* Try to find an existing dir, starting from the deepest dir. */ while (1) { if (--p == fbuf) return -1; if (*p == '/') { *p = '\0'; if (mkdir_defmode(fbuf) == 0) break; if (errno != ENOENT) { rsyserr(FERROR, errno, "make_bak_dir mkdir %s failed", full_fname(fbuf)); return -1; } } } /* Make all the dirs that we didn't find on the way here. */ while (1) { if (p >= rel) { /* Try to transfer the directory settings of the * actual dir that the files are coming from. */ init_stat_x(&sx); if (x_stat(rel, &sx.st, NULL) < 0) { rsyserr(FERROR, errno, "make_bak_dir stat %s failed", full_fname(rel)); } else { if (!(file = make_file(rel, NULL, NULL, 0, NO_FILTERS))) continue; #ifdef SUPPORT_ACLS if (preserve_acls && !S_ISLNK(file->mode)) { get_acl(rel, &sx); cache_tmp_acl(file, &sx); free_acl(&sx); } #endif #ifdef SUPPORT_XATTRS if (preserve_xattrs) { get_xattr(rel, &sx); cache_tmp_xattr(file, &sx); free_xattr(&sx); } #endif set_file_attrs(fbuf, file, NULL, NULL, 0); unmake_file(file); #ifdef SUPPORT_ACLS uncache_tmp_acls(); #endif #ifdef SUPPORT_XATTRS uncache_tmp_xattrs(); #endif } } *p = '/'; p += strlen(p); if (p == end) break; if (mkdir_defmode(fbuf) < 0) { rsyserr(FERROR, errno, "make_bak_dir mkdir %s failed", full_fname(fbuf)); return -1; } } return 0; } /* Has same return codes as make_backup(). */ static inline int link_or_rename(const char *from, const char *to, BOOL prefer_rename, STRUCT_STAT *stp) { #ifdef SUPPORT_HARD_LINKS if (!prefer_rename) { #ifndef CAN_HARDLINK_SYMLINK if (S_ISLNK(stp->st_mode)) return 0; /* Use copy code. */ #endif #ifndef CAN_HARDLINK_SPECIAL if (IS_SPECIAL(stp->st_mode) || IS_DEVICE(stp->st_mode)) return 0; /* Use copy code. */ #endif if (!S_ISDIR(stp->st_mode)) { if (do_link(from, to) == 0) return 2; return 0; } } #endif if (do_rename(from, to) == 0) { if (stp->st_nlink > 1 && !S_ISDIR(stp->st_mode)) { /* If someone has hard-linked the file into the backup * dir, rename() might return success but do nothing! */ robust_unlink(to); /* Just in case... */ } return 1; } return 0; } /* Hard-link, rename, or copy an item to the backup name. Returns 2 if item * was duplicated into backup area, 1 if item was moved, or 0 for failure.*/ int make_backup(const char *fname, BOOL prefer_rename) { stat_x sx; struct file_struct *file; int save_preserve_xattrs; char *buf = get_backup_name(fname); int ret = 0; if (!buf) return 0; init_stat_x(&sx); /* Return success if no file to keep. */ if (x_lstat(fname, &sx.st, NULL) < 0) return 1; /* Try a hard-link or a rename first. Using rename is not atomic, but * is more efficient than forcing a copy for larger files when no hard- * linking is possible. */ if ((ret = link_or_rename(fname, buf, prefer_rename, &sx.st)) != 0) goto success; if (errno == EEXIST || errno == EISDIR) { STRUCT_STAT bakst; if (do_lstat(buf, &bakst) == 0) { int flags = get_del_for_flag(bakst.st_mode) | DEL_FOR_BACKUP | DEL_RECURSE; if (delete_item(buf, bakst.st_mode, flags) != 0) return 0; } if ((ret = link_or_rename(fname, buf, prefer_rename, &sx.st)) != 0) goto success; } else if (backup_dir && errno == ENOENT) { /* If the backup dir is missing, try again after making it. */ if (make_bak_dir(buf) != 0) return 0; if ((ret = link_or_rename(fname, buf, prefer_rename, &sx.st)) != 0) goto success; } /* Fall back to making a copy. */ if (!(file = make_file(fname, NULL, &sx.st, 0, NO_FILTERS))) return 1; /* the file could have disappeared */ #ifdef SUPPORT_ACLS if (preserve_acls && !S_ISLNK(file->mode)) { get_acl(fname, &sx); cache_tmp_acl(file, &sx); free_acl(&sx); } #endif #ifdef SUPPORT_XATTRS if (preserve_xattrs) { get_xattr(fname, &sx); cache_tmp_xattr(file, &sx); free_xattr(&sx); } #endif /* Check to see if this is a device file, or link */ if ((am_root && preserve_devices && IS_DEVICE(file->mode)) || (preserve_specials && IS_SPECIAL(file->mode))) { int save_errno; if (do_mknod(buf, file->mode, sx.st.st_rdev) < 0) { save_errno = errno ? errno : EINVAL; /* 0 paranoia */ if (errno == ENOENT && make_bak_dir(buf) == 0) { if (do_mknod(buf, file->mode, sx.st.st_rdev) < 0) save_errno = errno ? errno : save_errno; else save_errno = 0; } if (save_errno) { rsyserr(FERROR, save_errno, "mknod %s failed", full_fname(buf)); } } else save_errno = 0; if (DEBUG_GTE(BACKUP, 1) && save_errno == 0) { rprintf(FINFO, "make_backup: DEVICE %s successful.\n", fname); } ret = 2; } if (!ret && S_ISDIR(file->mode)) { int ret_code; /* make an empty directory */ if (do_mkdir(buf, file->mode) < 0) { int save_errno = errno ? errno : EINVAL; /* 0 paranoia */ if (errno == ENOENT && make_bak_dir(buf) == 0) { if (do_mkdir(buf, file->mode) < 0) save_errno = errno ? errno : save_errno; else save_errno = 0; } if (save_errno) { rsyserr(FINFO, save_errno, "mkdir %s failed", full_fname(buf)); } } ret_code = do_rmdir(fname); if (DEBUG_GTE(BACKUP, 1)) { rprintf(FINFO, "make_backup: RMDIR %s returns %i\n", full_fname(fname), ret_code); } ret = 2; } #ifdef SUPPORT_LINKS if (!ret && preserve_links && S_ISLNK(file->mode)) { const char *sl = F_SYMLINK(file); if (safe_symlinks && unsafe_symlink(sl, fname)) { if (INFO_GTE(SYMSAFE, 1)) { rprintf(FINFO, "ignoring unsafe symlink %s -> %s\n", full_fname(buf), sl); } ret = 2; } else { if (do_symlink(sl, buf) < 0) { int save_errno = errno ? errno : EINVAL; /* 0 paranoia */ if (errno == ENOENT && make_bak_dir(buf) == 0) { if (do_symlink(sl, buf) < 0) save_errno = errno ? errno : save_errno; else save_errno = 0; } if (save_errno) { rsyserr(FERROR, save_errno, "link %s -> \"%s\"", full_fname(buf), sl); } } ret = 2; } } #endif if (!ret && !S_ISREG(file->mode)) { rprintf(FINFO, "make_bak: skipping non-regular file %s\n", fname); unmake_file(file); #ifdef SUPPORT_ACLS uncache_tmp_acls(); #endif #ifdef SUPPORT_XATTRS uncache_tmp_xattrs(); #endif return 2; } /* Copy to backup tree if a file. */ if (!ret) { if (copy_file(fname, buf, -1, file->mode, 1) < 0) { rsyserr(FERROR, errno, "keep_backup failed: %s -> \"%s\"", full_fname(fname), buf); unmake_file(file); #ifdef SUPPORT_ACLS uncache_tmp_acls(); #endif #ifdef SUPPORT_XATTRS uncache_tmp_xattrs(); #endif return 0; } ret = 2; } save_preserve_xattrs = preserve_xattrs; preserve_xattrs = 0; set_file_attrs(buf, file, NULL, fname, 0); preserve_xattrs = save_preserve_xattrs; unmake_file(file); #ifdef SUPPORT_ACLS uncache_tmp_acls(); #endif #ifdef SUPPORT_XATTRS uncache_tmp_xattrs(); #endif success: if (INFO_GTE(BACKUP, 1)) { rprintf(FINFO, "backed up %s to %s\n", fname, buf); } return ret; }