/* * Routines common to more than one of the rsync processes. * * Copyright (C) 1996 Andrew Tridgell * Copyright (C) 1996 Paul Mackerras * Copyright (C) 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006 Wayne Davison * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along * with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., * 51 Franklin Street - Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. */ #include "rsync.h" #if defined HAVE_ICONV_OPEN && defined HAVE_ICONV_H #include #endif #if defined HAVE_LIBCHARSET_H && defined HAVE_LOCALE_CHARSET #include #elif defined HAVE_LANGINFO_H && defined HAVE_NL_LANGINFO #include #endif extern int verbose; extern int dry_run; extern int preserve_perms; extern int preserve_executability; extern int preserve_times; extern int omit_dir_times; extern int am_root; extern int am_server; extern int am_sender; extern int am_generator; extern int am_starting_up; extern int allow_8bit_chars; extern int protocol_version; extern int preserve_uid; extern int preserve_gid; extern int incremental; extern int inplace; extern int flist_eof; extern int keep_dirlinks; extern int make_backups; extern mode_t orig_umask; extern struct stats stats; extern struct file_list *cur_flist, *first_flist, *dir_flist; extern struct chmod_mode_struct *daemon_chmod_modes; #if defined HAVE_ICONV_OPEN && defined HAVE_ICONV_H iconv_t ic_chck = (iconv_t)-1; static const char *default_charset(void) { #if defined HAVE_LIBCHARSET_H && defined HAVE_LOCALE_CHARSET return locale_charset(); #elif defined HAVE_LANGINFO_H && defined HAVE_NL_LANGINFO return nl_langinfo(CODESET); #else return ""; /* Works with (at the very least) gnu iconv... */ #endif } void setup_iconv() { if (!am_server && !allow_8bit_chars) { const char *defset = default_charset(); /* It's OK if this fails... */ ic_chck = iconv_open(defset, defset); if (verbose > 3) { if (ic_chck == (iconv_t)-1) { rprintf(FINFO, "note: iconv_open(\"%s\", \"%s\") failed (%d)" " -- using isprint() instead of iconv().\n", defset, defset, errno); } else { rprintf(FINFO, "note: iconv_open(\"%s\", \"%s\") succeeded.\n", defset, defset); } } } } #endif /* This is used by sender.c with a valid f_out, and by receive.c with * f_out = -1. */ int read_ndx_and_attrs(int f_in, int f_out, int *iflag_ptr, uchar *type_ptr, char *buf, int *len_ptr) { int len, iflags = 0; struct file_list *flist; uchar fnamecmp_type = FNAMECMP_FNAME; int verbose_save, ndx; read_loop: while (1) { ndx = read_ndx(f_in); if (ndx >= 0) break; if (ndx == NDX_DONE) return ndx; if (!incremental || am_sender) goto invalid_ndx; if (ndx == NDX_FLIST_EOF) { flist_eof = 1; send_msg(MSG_FLIST_EOF, "", 0); continue; } ndx = NDX_FLIST_OFFSET - ndx; if (ndx < 0 || ndx >= dir_flist->count) { ndx = NDX_FLIST_OFFSET - ndx; rprintf(FERROR, "Invalid dir index: %d (%d - %d)\n", ndx, NDX_FLIST_OFFSET, NDX_FLIST_OFFSET - dir_flist->count); exit_cleanup(RERR_PROTOCOL); } verbose_save = verbose; verbose = 0; /* TODO allow verbose messages? */ /* Send everything read from f_in to msg_fd_out. */ send_msg_int(MSG_FLIST, ndx); start_flist_forward(f_in); flist = recv_file_list(f_in); flist->parent_ndx = ndx; stop_flist_forward(); verbose = verbose_save; } iflags = protocol_version >= 29 ? read_shortint(f_in) : ITEM_TRANSFER | ITEM_MISSING_DATA; /* Honor the old-style keep-alive indicator. */ if (protocol_version < 30 && ndx == cur_flist->count && iflags == ITEM_IS_NEW) { if (am_sender) maybe_send_keepalive(); goto read_loop; } if (!(flist = flist_for_ndx(ndx))) { invalid_ndx: rprintf(FERROR, "Invalid file index: %d (%d - %d) with iflags %x [%s]\n", ndx, first_flist->ndx_start + first_flist->ndx_start, first_flist->prev->ndx_start + first_flist->ndx_start + first_flist->prev->count - 1, iflags, who_am_i()); exit_cleanup(RERR_PROTOCOL); } cur_flist = flist; if (iflags & ITEM_BASIS_TYPE_FOLLOWS) fnamecmp_type = read_byte(f_in); *type_ptr = fnamecmp_type; if (iflags & ITEM_XNAME_FOLLOWS) { if ((len = read_vstring(f_in, buf, MAXPATHLEN)) < 0) exit_cleanup(RERR_PROTOCOL); } else { *buf = '\0'; len = -1; } *len_ptr = len; if (iflags & ITEM_TRANSFER) { int i = ndx - cur_flist->ndx_start; if (!S_ISREG(cur_flist->files[i]->mode)) { rprintf(FERROR, "received request to transfer non-regular file: %d [%s]\n", ndx, who_am_i()); exit_cleanup(RERR_PROTOCOL); } } else if (f_out >= 0) { write_ndx_and_attrs(f_out, ndx, iflags, fnamecmp_type, buf, len); } *iflag_ptr = iflags; return ndx; } /* free a sums struct */ void free_sums(struct sum_struct *s) { if (s->sums) free(s->sums); free(s); } /* This is only called when we aren't preserving permissions. Figure out what * the permissions should be and return them merged back into the mode. */ mode_t dest_mode(mode_t flist_mode, mode_t stat_mode, int exists) { int new_mode; /* If the file already exists, we'll return the local permissions, * possibly tweaked by the --executability option. */ if (exists) { new_mode = (flist_mode & ~CHMOD_BITS) | (stat_mode & CHMOD_BITS); if (preserve_executability && S_ISREG(flist_mode)) { /* If the source file is executable, grant execute * rights to everyone who can read, but ONLY if the * file isn't already executable. */ if (!(flist_mode & 0111)) new_mode &= ~0111; else if (!(stat_mode & 0111)) new_mode |= (new_mode & 0444) >> 2; } } else { /* Apply the umask and turn off special permissions. */ new_mode = flist_mode & (~CHMOD_BITS | (ACCESSPERMS & ~orig_umask)); } return new_mode; } int set_file_attrs(char *fname, struct file_struct *file, STRUCT_STAT *st, int flags) { int updated = 0; STRUCT_STAT st2; int change_uid, change_gid; mode_t new_mode = file->mode; if (!st) { if (dry_run) return 1; if (link_stat(fname, &st2, 0) < 0) { rsyserr(FERROR, errno, "stat %s failed", full_fname(fname)); return 0; } st = &st2; if (!preserve_perms && S_ISDIR(new_mode) && st->st_mode & S_ISGID) { /* We just created this directory and its setgid * bit is on, so make sure it stays on. */ new_mode |= S_ISGID; } } if (!preserve_times || (S_ISDIR(st->st_mode) && omit_dir_times)) flags |= ATTRS_SKIP_MTIME; if (!(flags & ATTRS_SKIP_MTIME) && cmp_time(st->st_mtime, file->modtime) != 0) { int ret = set_modtime(fname, file->modtime, st->st_mode); if (ret < 0) { rsyserr(FERROR, errno, "failed to set times on %s", full_fname(fname)); return 0; } if (ret == 0) /* ret == 1 if symlink could not be set */ updated = 1; } change_uid = am_root && preserve_uid && st->st_uid != F_UID(file); change_gid = preserve_gid && F_GID(file) != GID_NONE && st->st_gid != F_GID(file); #if !defined HAVE_LCHOWN && !defined CHOWN_MODIFIES_SYMLINK if (S_ISLNK(st->st_mode)) ; else #endif if (change_uid || change_gid) { if (verbose > 2) { if (change_uid) { rprintf(FINFO, "set uid of %s from %ld to %ld\n", fname, (long)st->st_uid, (long)F_UID(file)); } if (change_gid) { rprintf(FINFO, "set gid of %s from %ld to %ld\n", fname, (long)st->st_gid, (long)F_GID(file)); } } if (do_lchown(fname, change_uid ? F_UID(file) : st->st_uid, change_gid ? F_GID(file) : st->st_gid) != 0) { /* shouldn't have attempted to change uid or gid * unless have the privilege */ rsyserr(FERROR, errno, "%s %s failed", change_uid ? "chown" : "chgrp", full_fname(fname)); return 0; } /* a lchown had been done - we have to re-stat if the * destination had the setuid or setgid bits set due * to the side effect of the chown call */ if (st->st_mode & (S_ISUID | S_ISGID)) { link_stat(fname, st, keep_dirlinks && S_ISDIR(st->st_mode)); } updated = 1; } if (daemon_chmod_modes && !S_ISLNK(new_mode)) new_mode = tweak_mode(new_mode, daemon_chmod_modes); #ifdef HAVE_CHMOD if (!BITS_EQUAL(st->st_mode, new_mode, CHMOD_BITS)) { int ret = do_chmod(fname, new_mode); if (ret < 0) { rsyserr(FERROR, errno, "failed to set permissions on %s", full_fname(fname)); return 0; } if (ret == 0) /* ret == 1 if symlink could not be set */ updated = 1; } #endif if (verbose > 1 && flags & ATTRS_REPORT) { if (updated) rprintf(FCLIENT, "%s\n", fname); else rprintf(FCLIENT, "%s is uptodate\n", fname); } return updated; } RETSIGTYPE sig_int(UNUSED(int val)) { /* KLUGE: if the user hits Ctrl-C while ssh is prompting * for a password, then our cleanup's sending of a SIGUSR1 * signal to all our children may kill ssh before it has a * chance to restore the tty settings (i.e. turn echo back * on). By sleeping for a short time, ssh gets a bigger * chance to do the right thing. If child processes are * not ssh waiting for a password, then this tiny delay * shouldn't hurt anything. */ msleep(400); exit_cleanup(RERR_SIGNAL); } /* Finish off a file transfer: renaming the file and setting the file's * attributes (e.g. permissions, ownership, etc.). If partialptr is not * NULL and the robust_rename() call is forced to copy the temp file, we * stage the file into the partial-dir and then rename it into place. */ void finish_transfer(char *fname, char *fnametmp, char *partialptr, struct file_struct *file, int ok_to_set_time, int overwriting_basis) { int ret; if (inplace) { if (verbose > 2) rprintf(FINFO, "finishing %s\n", fname); fnametmp = fname; goto do_set_file_attrs; } if (make_backups > 0 && overwriting_basis && !make_backup(fname)) return; /* Change permissions before putting the file into place. */ set_file_attrs(fnametmp, file, NULL, ok_to_set_time ? 0 : ATTRS_SKIP_MTIME); /* move tmp file over real file */ if (verbose > 2) rprintf(FINFO, "renaming %s to %s\n", fnametmp, fname); ret = robust_rename(fnametmp, fname, partialptr, file->mode & INITACCESSPERMS); if (ret < 0) { rsyserr(FERROR, errno, "%s %s -> \"%s\"", ret == -2 ? "copy" : "rename", full_fname(fnametmp), fname); do_unlink(fnametmp); return; } if (ret == 0) { /* The file was moved into place (not copied), so it's done. */ return; } /* The file was copied, so tweak the perms of the copied file. If it * was copied to partialptr, move it into its final destination. */ fnametmp = partialptr ? partialptr : fname; do_set_file_attrs: set_file_attrs(fnametmp, file, NULL, ok_to_set_time ? 0 : ATTRS_SKIP_MTIME); if (partialptr) { if (do_rename(fnametmp, fname) < 0) { rsyserr(FERROR, errno, "rename %s -> \"%s\"", full_fname(fnametmp), fname); } else handle_partial_dir(partialptr, PDIR_DELETE); } } struct file_list *flist_for_ndx(int ndx) { struct file_list *flist = cur_flist; if (!flist) return NULL; while (ndx < flist->ndx_start) { if (flist == first_flist) return NULL; flist = flist->prev; } while (ndx >= flist->ndx_start + flist->count) { if (!(flist = flist->next)) return NULL; } return flist; } const char *who_am_i(void) { if (am_starting_up) return am_server ? "server" : "client"; return am_sender ? "sender" : am_generator ? "generator" : "receiver"; }