NEWS for rsync 3.0.3 (UNRELEASED) Protocol: 30 (unchanged) Changes since 3.0.2: BUG FIXES: - Fixed a wildcard matching problem in the daemon when a module has "use chroot" enabled. - Fixed a crash bug in the hard-link code. - Fixed the sending of xattr directory information when the code finds a --link-dest or --copy-dest directory with unchanged xattrs -- the destination directory now gets these unchanged xattrs properly applied. - Fixed an xattr-sending glitch that could cause an "Internal abbrev" error. - Fixed the combination of --xattrs and --backup. - The generator no longer allows a '.' dir to be excluded by a daemon- exclude rule. - Fixed deletion handling when copying a single, empty directory (with no files) to a differently named, non-existent directory. - Fixed the conversion of spaces into dashes in the %M log escape. - Fixed several places in the code that were not returning the right errno when a function failed. - Fixed the backing up of a device or special file into a backup dir. - Moved the setting of the socket options prior to the connect(). - If rsync exits in the middle of a --progress output, it now outputs a newline to help prevent the progress line from being overwritten. - Fixed a problem with how a destination path with a trailing slash or a trailing dot-dir was compared against the daemon excludes. - Fixed the sending of large (size > 16GB) files when talking to an older rsync (protocols < 30): we now use a compatible block size limit. - If a file's length is so huge that we overflow a checksum buffer count (i.e. several hundred TB), warn the user and avoid sending an invalid checksum struct over the wire. - If a source arg is excluded, --relative no longer adds the excluded arg's implied dirs to the transfer. This fix also made the exclude check happen in the better place in the sending code. - Use the overflow_exit() function for overflows, not out_of_memory(). - Improved the code to better handle a system that has only 32-bit file offsets. ENHANCEMENTS: - The rsyncd.conf manpage now consistently refers to the parameters in the daemon config file as "parameters". - The description of the --inplace option was improved. EXTRAS: - Added a new script in the support directory, deny-rsync, which allows an admin to (temporarily) replace the rsync command with a script that sends an error message to the remote client via the rsync protocol. DEVELOPER RELATED: - Fixed a testcase failure if the tests are run as root and made some compatibility improvements. - Improved the daemon tests, including checking module comments, the listing of files, and the ensuring that daemon excludes can't affect a dot-dir arg. - Improved some build rules for those that build in a separate directory from the source, including better install rules for the man pages, and the fixing of a proto.h-tstamp rule that could make the binaries get rebuild without cause. - Improved the testsuite to work around a problem with some utilities (e.g. cp -p & touch -r) rounding sub-second timestamps. - Ensure that the early patches don't cause any generated-file hunks to bleed-over into patches that follow.