/* Copyright (C) Andrew Tridgell 1998 This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA. */ /* hosts allow/deny code for rsync */ #include "rsync.h" static int match_hostname(char *host, char *tok) { if (!host || !*host) return 0; return (fnmatch(tok, host, 0) == 0); } static int match_address(char *addr, char *tok) { char *p; unsigned long a, t, mask = ~0; if (!addr || !*addr) return 0; if (!isdigit(tok[0])) return 0; p = strchr(tok,'/'); if (p) *p = 0; a = inet_addr(addr); t = inet_addr(tok); if (p) { *p = '/'; } if (t == INADDR_NONE) { rprintf(FERROR,"malformed address %s\n", tok); return 0; } a = ntohl(a); t = ntohl(t); if (p) { if (strchr(p+1,'.')) { mask = inet_addr(p+1); if (mask == INADDR_NONE) { rprintf(FERROR,"malformed mask in %s\n", tok); return 0; } mask = ntohl(mask); } else { int bits = atoi(p+1); if (bits <= 0 || bits > 32) { rprintf(FERROR,"malformed mask in %s\n", tok); return 0; } mask &= (mask << (32-bits)); } } return ((a&mask) == (t&mask)); } static int access_match(char *list, char *addr, char *host) { char *tok; char *list2 = strdup(list); if (!list2) out_of_memory("access_match"); strlower(list2); if (host) strlower(host); for (tok=strtok(list2," ,\t"); tok; tok=strtok(NULL," ,\t")) { if (match_hostname(host, tok) || match_address(addr, tok)) { free(list2); return 1; } } free(list2); return 0; } int allow_access(char *addr, char *host, char *allow_list, char *deny_list) { /* if theres no deny list and no allow list then allow access */ if ((!deny_list || !*deny_list) && (!allow_list || !*allow_list)) return 1; /* if there is an allow list but no deny list then allow only hosts on the allow list */ if (!deny_list || !*deny_list) return(access_match(allow_list, addr, host)); /* if theres a deny list but no allow list then allow all hosts not on the deny list */ if (!allow_list || !*allow_list) return(!access_match(deny_list,addr,host)); /* if there are both type of list then allow all hosts on the allow list */ if (access_match(allow_list,addr,host)) return 1; /* if there are both type of list and it's not on the allow then allow it if its not on the deny */ if (access_match(deny_list,addr,host)) return 0; return 1; }