/* * Generate and receive file lists. * * Copyright (C) 1996 Andrew Tridgell * Copyright (C) 1996 Paul Mackerras * Copyright (C) 2001, 2002 Martin Pool * Copyright (C) 2002-2007 Wayne Davison * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 as * published by the Free Software Foundation. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along * with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., * 51 Franklin Street - Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. */ #include "rsync.h" #include "rounding.h" #include "io.h" extern int verbose; extern int list_only; extern int am_root; extern int am_server; extern int am_daemon; extern int am_sender; extern int am_generator; extern int inc_recurse; extern int do_progress; extern int always_checksum; extern int module_id; extern int ignore_errors; extern int numeric_ids; extern int recurse; extern int xfer_dirs; extern int filesfrom_fd; extern int one_file_system; extern int copy_dirlinks; extern int keep_dirlinks; extern int preserve_acls; extern int preserve_xattrs; extern int preserve_links; extern int preserve_hard_links; extern int preserve_devices; extern int preserve_specials; extern int preserve_uid; extern int preserve_gid; extern int relative_paths; extern int implied_dirs; extern int file_extra_cnt; extern int ignore_perishable; extern int non_perishable_cnt; extern int prune_empty_dirs; extern int copy_links; extern int copy_unsafe_links; extern int protocol_version; extern int sanitize_paths; extern struct stats stats; extern char curr_dir[MAXPATHLEN]; extern struct chmod_mode_struct *chmod_modes; extern struct filter_list_struct filter_list; extern struct filter_list_struct server_filter_list; #ifdef ICONV_OPTION extern int ic_ndx; extern int need_unsorted_flist; extern iconv_t ic_send, ic_recv; #endif int io_error; int checksum_len; dev_t filesystem_dev; /* used to implement -x */ struct file_list *cur_flist, *first_flist, *dir_flist; int send_dir_ndx = -1, send_dir_depth = 0; int flist_cnt = 0; /* how many (non-tmp) file list objects exist */ int file_total = 0; /* total of all active items over all file-lists */ int flist_eof = 0; /* all the file-lists are now known */ /* The tmp_* vars are used as a cache area by make_file() to store data * that the sender doesn't need to remember in its file list. The data * will survive just long enough to be used by send_file_entry(). */ static dev_t tmp_rdev; #ifdef SUPPORT_HARD_LINKS static int64 tmp_dev, tmp_ino; #endif static char tmp_sum[MAX_DIGEST_LEN]; static char empty_sum[MAX_DIGEST_LEN]; static int flist_count_offset; /* for --delete --progress */ static void clean_flist(struct file_list *flist, int strip_root, int no_dups); static void output_flist(struct file_list *flist); void init_flist(void) { if (verbose > 4) { rprintf(FINFO, "FILE_STRUCT_LEN=%d, EXTRA_LEN=%d\n", (int)FILE_STRUCT_LEN, (int)EXTRA_LEN); } checksum_len = protocol_version < 21 ? 2 : protocol_version < 30 ? MD4_DIGEST_LEN : MD5_DIGEST_LEN; } static int show_filelist_p(void) { return verbose && xfer_dirs && !am_server && !inc_recurse; } static void start_filelist_progress(char *kind) { rprintf(FCLIENT, "%s ... ", kind); if (verbose > 1 || do_progress) rprintf(FCLIENT, "\n"); rflush(FINFO); } static void emit_filelist_progress(int count) { rprintf(FCLIENT, " %d files...\r", count); } static void maybe_emit_filelist_progress(int count) { if (do_progress && show_filelist_p() && (count % 100) == 0) emit_filelist_progress(count); } static void finish_filelist_progress(const struct file_list *flist) { if (do_progress) { /* This overwrites the progress line */ rprintf(FINFO, "%d file%sto consider\n", flist->count, flist->count == 1 ? " " : "s "); } else rprintf(FINFO, "done\n"); } void show_flist_stats(void) { /* Nothing yet */ } static void list_file_entry(struct file_struct *f) { char permbuf[PERMSTRING_SIZE]; double len; if (!F_IS_ACTIVE(f)) { /* this can happen if duplicate names were removed */ return; } permstring(permbuf, f->mode); len = F_LENGTH(f); /* TODO: indicate '+' if the entry has an ACL. */ #ifdef SUPPORT_LINKS if (preserve_links && S_ISLNK(f->mode)) { rprintf(FINFO, "%s %11.0f %s %s -> %s\n", permbuf, len, timestring(f->modtime), f_name(f, NULL), F_SYMLINK(f)); } else #endif { rprintf(FINFO, "%s %11.0f %s %s\n", permbuf, len, timestring(f->modtime), f_name(f, NULL)); } } /* Stat either a symlink or its referent, depending on the settings of * copy_links, copy_unsafe_links, etc. Returns -1 on error, 0 on success. * * If path is the name of a symlink, then the linkbuf buffer (which must hold * MAXPATHLEN chars) will be set to the symlink's target string. * * The stat structure pointed to by stp will contain information about the * link or the referent as appropriate, if they exist. */ static int readlink_stat(const char *path, STRUCT_STAT *stp, char *linkbuf) { #ifdef SUPPORT_LINKS if (link_stat(path, stp, copy_dirlinks) < 0) return -1; if (S_ISLNK(stp->st_mode)) { int llen = readlink(path, linkbuf, MAXPATHLEN - 1); if (llen < 0) return -1; linkbuf[llen] = '\0'; if (copy_unsafe_links && unsafe_symlink(linkbuf, path)) { if (verbose > 1) { rprintf(FINFO,"copying unsafe symlink \"%s\" -> \"%s\"\n", path, linkbuf); } return x_stat(path, stp, NULL); } } return 0; #else return x_stat(path, stp, NULL); #endif } int link_stat(const char *path, STRUCT_STAT *stp, int follow_dirlinks) { #ifdef SUPPORT_LINKS if (copy_links) return x_stat(path, stp, NULL); if (x_lstat(path, stp, NULL) < 0) return -1; if (follow_dirlinks && S_ISLNK(stp->st_mode)) { STRUCT_STAT st; if (x_stat(path, &st, NULL) == 0 && S_ISDIR(st.st_mode)) *stp = st; } return 0; #else return x_stat(path, stp, NULL); #endif } /* This function is used to check if a file should be included/excluded * from the list of files based on its name and type etc. The value of * filter_level is set to either SERVER_FILTERS or ALL_FILTERS. */ static int is_excluded(char *fname, int is_dir, int filter_level) { #if 0 /* This currently never happens, so avoid a useless compare. */ if (filter_level == NO_FILTERS) return 0; #endif if (fname) { /* never exclude '.', even if somebody does --exclude '*' */ if (fname[0] == '.' && !fname[1]) return 0; /* Handle the -R version of the '.' dir. */ if (fname[0] == '/') { int len = strlen(fname); if (fname[len-1] == '.' && fname[len-2] == '/') return 0; } } if (server_filter_list.head && check_filter(&server_filter_list, fname, is_dir) < 0) return 1; if (filter_level != ALL_FILTERS) return 0; if (filter_list.head && check_filter(&filter_list, fname, is_dir) < 0) return 1; return 0; } static void send_directory(int f, struct file_list *flist, int ndx, char *fbuf, int len, int flags); static const char *pathname, *orig_dir; static int pathname_len; /** * Make sure @p flist is big enough to hold at least @p flist->count * entries. **/ void flist_expand(struct file_list *flist) { struct file_struct **new_ptr; if (flist->count < flist->malloced) return; if (flist->malloced < FLIST_START) flist->malloced = FLIST_START; else if (flist->malloced >= FLIST_LINEAR) flist->malloced += FLIST_LINEAR; else flist->malloced *= 2; /* * In case count jumped or we are starting the list * with a known size just set it. */ if (flist->malloced < flist->count) flist->malloced = flist->count; new_ptr = realloc_array(flist->files, struct file_struct *, flist->malloced); if (verbose >= 2 && flist->malloced != FLIST_START) { rprintf(FCLIENT, "[%s] expand file_list to %.0f bytes, did%s move\n", who_am_i(), (double)sizeof flist->files[0] * flist->malloced, (new_ptr == flist->files) ? " not" : ""); } flist->files = new_ptr; if (!flist->files) out_of_memory("flist_expand"); } int push_pathname(const char *dir, int len) { if (dir == pathname) return 1; if (!orig_dir) orig_dir = strdup(curr_dir); if (pathname && !pop_dir(orig_dir)) { rsyserr(FERROR, errno, "pop_dir %s failed", full_fname(orig_dir)); exit_cleanup(RERR_FILESELECT); } if (dir && !push_dir(dir, 0)) { io_error |= IOERR_GENERAL; rsyserr(FERROR, errno, "push_dir %s failed in %s", full_fname(dir), curr_dir); return 0; } pathname = dir; pathname_len = len >= 0 ? len : dir ? (int)strlen(dir) : 0; return 1; } static void send_file_entry(int f, struct file_struct *file, int ndx) { static time_t modtime; static mode_t mode; static int64 dev; static dev_t rdev; static uint32 rdev_major; static uid_t uid; static gid_t gid; static char *user_name, *group_name; static char lastname[MAXPATHLEN]; char fname[MAXPATHLEN]; int first_hlink_ndx = -1; int l1, l2; int flags; #ifdef ICONV_OPTION if (ic_send != (iconv_t)-1) { ICONV_CONST char *ibuf; char *obuf = fname; size_t ocnt = MAXPATHLEN, icnt; iconv(ic_send, NULL,0, NULL,0); if ((ibuf = (ICONV_CONST char *)file->dirname) != NULL) { icnt = strlen(ibuf); ocnt--; /* pre-subtract the space for the '/' */ if (iconv(ic_send, &ibuf,&icnt, &obuf,&ocnt) == (size_t)-1) goto convert_error; *obuf++ = '/'; } ibuf = (ICONV_CONST char *)file->basename; icnt = strlen(ibuf); if (iconv(ic_send, &ibuf,&icnt, &obuf,&ocnt) == (size_t)-1) { convert_error: io_error |= IOERR_GENERAL; rprintf(FINFO, "[%s] cannot convert filename: %s (%s)\n", who_am_i(), f_name(file, fname), strerror(errno)); return; } *obuf = '\0'; } else #endif f_name(file, fname); flags = file->flags & FLAG_TOP_DIR; /* FLAG_TOP_DIR == XMIT_TOP_DIR */ if (file->mode == mode) flags |= XMIT_SAME_MODE; else mode = file->mode; if ((preserve_devices && IS_DEVICE(mode)) || (preserve_specials && IS_SPECIAL(mode))) { if (protocol_version < 28) { if (tmp_rdev == rdev) flags |= XMIT_SAME_RDEV_pre28; else rdev = tmp_rdev; } else { rdev = tmp_rdev; if ((uint32)major(rdev) == rdev_major) flags |= XMIT_SAME_RDEV_MAJOR; else rdev_major = major(rdev); if (protocol_version < 30 && (uint32)minor(rdev) <= 0xFFu) flags |= XMIT_RDEV_MINOR_8_pre30; } } else if (protocol_version < 28) rdev = MAKEDEV(0, 0); if (preserve_uid) { if (F_UID(file) == uid && *lastname) flags |= XMIT_SAME_UID; else { uid = F_UID(file); if (preserve_uid && !numeric_ids) { user_name = add_uid(uid); if (inc_recurse && user_name) flags |= XMIT_USER_NAME_FOLLOWS; } } } if (preserve_gid) { if (F_GID(file) == gid && *lastname) flags |= XMIT_SAME_GID; else { gid = F_GID(file); if (preserve_gid && !numeric_ids) { group_name = add_gid(gid); if (inc_recurse && group_name) flags |= XMIT_GROUP_NAME_FOLLOWS; } } } if (file->modtime == modtime) flags |= XMIT_SAME_TIME; else modtime = file->modtime; #ifdef SUPPORT_HARD_LINKS if (tmp_dev != 0) { if (protocol_version >= 30) { struct idev_node *np = idev_node(tmp_dev, tmp_ino); first_hlink_ndx = (int32)(long)np->data - 1; if (first_hlink_ndx < 0) { np->data = (void*)(long)(ndx + 1); flags |= XMIT_HLINK_FIRST; } flags |= XMIT_HLINKED; } else { if (tmp_dev == dev) { if (protocol_version >= 28) flags |= XMIT_SAME_DEV_pre30; } else dev = tmp_dev; flags |= XMIT_HLINKED; } } #endif for (l1 = 0; lastname[l1] && (fname[l1] == lastname[l1]) && (l1 < 255); l1++) {} l2 = strlen(fname+l1); if (l1 > 0) flags |= XMIT_SAME_NAME; if (l2 > 255) flags |= XMIT_LONG_NAME; /* We must make sure we don't send a zero flag byte or the * other end will terminate the flist transfer. Note that * the use of XMIT_TOP_DIR on a non-dir has no meaning, so * it's harmless way to add a bit to the first flag byte. */ if (protocol_version >= 28) { if (!flags && !S_ISDIR(mode)) flags |= XMIT_TOP_DIR; if ((flags & 0xFF00) || !flags) { flags |= XMIT_EXTENDED_FLAGS; write_shortint(f, flags); } else write_byte(f, flags); } else { if (!(flags & 0xFF)) flags |= S_ISDIR(mode) ? XMIT_LONG_NAME : XMIT_TOP_DIR; write_byte(f, flags); } if (flags & XMIT_SAME_NAME) write_byte(f, l1); if (flags & XMIT_LONG_NAME) write_varint30(f, l2); else write_byte(f, l2); write_buf(f, fname + l1, l2); if (first_hlink_ndx >= 0) { write_varint30(f, first_hlink_ndx); goto the_end; } write_varlong30(f, F_LENGTH(file), 3); if (!(flags & XMIT_SAME_TIME)) { if (protocol_version >= 30) write_varlong(f, modtime, 4); else write_int(f, modtime); } if (!(flags & XMIT_SAME_MODE)) write_int(f, to_wire_mode(mode)); if (preserve_uid && !(flags & XMIT_SAME_UID)) { if (protocol_version < 30) write_int(f, uid); else { write_varint(f, uid); if (flags & XMIT_USER_NAME_FOLLOWS) { int len = strlen(user_name); write_byte(f, len); write_buf(f, user_name, len); } } } if (preserve_gid && !(flags & XMIT_SAME_GID)) { if (protocol_version < 30) write_int(f, gid); else { write_varint(f, gid); if (flags & XMIT_GROUP_NAME_FOLLOWS) { int len = strlen(group_name); write_byte(f, len); write_buf(f, group_name, len); } } } if ((preserve_devices && IS_DEVICE(mode)) || (preserve_specials && IS_SPECIAL(mode))) { if (protocol_version < 28) { if (!(flags & XMIT_SAME_RDEV_pre28)) write_int(f, (int)rdev); } else { if (!(flags & XMIT_SAME_RDEV_MAJOR)) write_varint30(f, major(rdev)); if (protocol_version >= 30) write_varint(f, minor(rdev)); else if (flags & XMIT_RDEV_MINOR_8_pre30) write_byte(f, minor(rdev)); else write_int(f, minor(rdev)); } } #ifdef SUPPORT_LINKS if (preserve_links && S_ISLNK(mode)) { const char *sl = F_SYMLINK(file); int len = strlen(sl); write_varint30(f, len); write_buf(f, sl, len); } #endif #ifdef SUPPORT_HARD_LINKS if (tmp_dev != 0 && protocol_version < 30) { if (protocol_version < 26) { /* 32-bit dev_t and ino_t */ write_int(f, (int32)dev); write_int(f, (int32)tmp_ino); } else { /* 64-bit dev_t and ino_t */ if (!(flags & XMIT_SAME_DEV_pre30)) write_longint(f, dev); write_longint(f, tmp_ino); } } #endif if (always_checksum && (S_ISREG(mode) || protocol_version < 28)) { const char *sum; if (S_ISREG(mode)) sum = tmp_sum; else { /* Prior to 28, we sent a useless set of nulls. */ sum = empty_sum; } write_buf(f, sum, checksum_len); } the_end: strlcpy(lastname, fname, MAXPATHLEN); if (S_ISREG(mode) || S_ISLNK(mode)) stats.total_size += F_LENGTH(file); } static struct file_struct *recv_file_entry(struct file_list *flist, int flags, int f) { static int64 modtime; static mode_t mode; static int64 dev; static dev_t rdev; static uint32 rdev_major; static uid_t uid; static gid_t gid; static char lastname[MAXPATHLEN], *lastdir; static int lastdir_depth, lastdir_len = -1; static unsigned int del_hier_name_len = 0; static int in_del_hier = 0; char thisname[MAXPATHLEN]; unsigned int l1 = 0, l2 = 0; int alloc_len, basename_len, linkname_len; int extra_len = file_extra_cnt * EXTRA_LEN; int first_hlink_ndx = -1; OFF_T file_length; const char *basename; struct file_struct *file; alloc_pool_t *pool; char *bp; if (flags & XMIT_SAME_NAME) l1 = read_byte(f); if (flags & XMIT_LONG_NAME) l2 = read_varint30(f); else l2 = read_byte(f); if (l2 >= MAXPATHLEN - l1) { rprintf(FERROR, "overflow: flags=0x%x l1=%d l2=%d lastname=%s [%s]\n", flags, l1, l2, lastname, who_am_i()); overflow_exit("recv_file_entry"); } strlcpy(thisname, lastname, l1 + 1); read_sbuf(f, &thisname[l1], l2); thisname[l1 + l2] = 0; /* Abuse basename_len for a moment... */ basename_len = strlcpy(lastname, thisname, MAXPATHLEN); #ifdef ICONV_OPTION if (ic_recv != (iconv_t)-1) { char *obuf = thisname, *ibuf = lastname; size_t ocnt = MAXPATHLEN, icnt = basename_len; if (icnt >= MAXPATHLEN) { errno = E2BIG; goto convert_error; } iconv(ic_recv, NULL,0, NULL,0); if (iconv(ic_recv, &ibuf,&icnt, &obuf,&ocnt) == (size_t)-1) { convert_error: io_error |= IOERR_GENERAL; rprintf(FINFO, "[%s] cannot convert filename: %s (%s)\n", who_am_i(), lastname, strerror(errno)); obuf = thisname; } *obuf = '\0'; } #endif clean_fname(thisname, 0); if (sanitize_paths) sanitize_path(thisname, thisname, "", 0, NULL); if ((basename = strrchr(thisname, '/')) != NULL) { int len = basename++ - thisname; if (len != lastdir_len || memcmp(thisname, lastdir, len) != 0) { lastdir = new_array(char, len + 1); memcpy(lastdir, thisname, len); lastdir[len] = '\0'; lastdir_len = len; lastdir_depth = count_dir_elements(lastdir); } } else basename = thisname; basename_len = strlen(basename) + 1; /* count the '\0' */ #ifdef SUPPORT_HARD_LINKS if (protocol_version >= 30 && BITS_SETnUNSET(flags, XMIT_HLINKED, XMIT_HLINK_FIRST)) { struct file_struct *first; first_hlink_ndx = read_varint30(f); if (first_hlink_ndx < 0 || first_hlink_ndx >= flist->count) { rprintf(FERROR, "hard-link reference out of range: %d (%d)\n", first_hlink_ndx, flist->count); exit_cleanup(RERR_PROTOCOL); } first = flist->files[first_hlink_ndx]; file_length = F_LENGTH(first); modtime = first->modtime; mode = first->mode; if (preserve_uid) uid = F_UID(first); if (preserve_gid) gid = F_GID(first); if ((preserve_devices && IS_DEVICE(mode)) || (preserve_specials && IS_SPECIAL(mode))) { uint32 *devp = F_RDEV_P(first); rdev = MAKEDEV(DEV_MAJOR(devp), DEV_MINOR(devp)); extra_len += 2 * EXTRA_LEN; } if (preserve_links && S_ISLNK(mode)) linkname_len = strlen(F_SYMLINK(first)) + 1; else linkname_len = 0; goto create_object; } #endif file_length = read_varlong30(f, 3); if (!(flags & XMIT_SAME_TIME)) { if (protocol_version >= 30) { modtime = read_varlong(f, 4); #if SIZEOF_TIME_T < SIZEOF_INT64 if ((modtime > INT_MAX || modtime < INT_MIN) && !am_generator) { rprintf(FERROR, "Time value of %s truncated on receiver.\n", lastname); } #endif } else modtime = read_int(f); } if (!(flags & XMIT_SAME_MODE)) mode = from_wire_mode(read_int(f)); if (chmod_modes && !S_ISLNK(mode)) mode = tweak_mode(mode, chmod_modes); if (preserve_uid && !(flags & XMIT_SAME_UID)) { if (protocol_version < 30) uid = (uid_t)read_int(f); else { uid = (uid_t)read_varint(f); if (flags & XMIT_USER_NAME_FOLLOWS) uid = recv_user_name(f, uid); else if (inc_recurse && am_root && !numeric_ids) uid = match_uid(uid); } } if (preserve_gid && !(flags & XMIT_SAME_GID)) { if (protocol_version < 30) gid = (gid_t)read_int(f); else { gid = (gid_t)read_varint(f); if (flags & XMIT_GROUP_NAME_FOLLOWS) gid = recv_group_name(f, gid); else if (inc_recurse && (!am_root || !numeric_ids)) gid = match_gid(gid); } } if ((preserve_devices && IS_DEVICE(mode)) || (preserve_specials && IS_SPECIAL(mode))) { if (protocol_version < 28) { if (!(flags & XMIT_SAME_RDEV_pre28)) rdev = (dev_t)read_int(f); } else { uint32 rdev_minor; if (!(flags & XMIT_SAME_RDEV_MAJOR)) rdev_major = read_varint30(f); if (protocol_version >= 30) rdev_minor = read_varint(f); else if (flags & XMIT_RDEV_MINOR_8_pre30) rdev_minor = read_byte(f); else rdev_minor = read_int(f); rdev = MAKEDEV(rdev_major, rdev_minor); } extra_len += 2 * EXTRA_LEN; file_length = 0; } else if (protocol_version < 28) rdev = MAKEDEV(0, 0); #ifdef SUPPORT_LINKS if (preserve_links && S_ISLNK(mode)) { linkname_len = read_varint30(f) + 1; /* count the '\0' */ if (linkname_len <= 0 || linkname_len > MAXPATHLEN) { rprintf(FERROR, "overflow: linkname_len=%d\n", linkname_len - 1); overflow_exit("recv_file_entry"); } } else #endif linkname_len = 0; #ifdef SUPPORT_HARD_LINKS create_object: if (preserve_hard_links) { if (protocol_version < 28 && S_ISREG(mode)) flags |= XMIT_HLINKED; if (flags & XMIT_HLINKED) extra_len += EXTRA_LEN; } #endif #ifdef SUPPORT_ACLS /* We need one or two index int32s when we're preserving ACLs. */ if (preserve_acls) extra_len += (S_ISDIR(mode) ? 2 : 1) * EXTRA_LEN; #endif if (always_checksum && S_ISREG(mode)) extra_len += SUM_EXTRA_CNT * EXTRA_LEN; if (file_length > 0xFFFFFFFFu && S_ISREG(mode)) extra_len += EXTRA_LEN; #if EXTRA_ROUNDING > 0 if (extra_len & (EXTRA_ROUNDING * EXTRA_LEN)) extra_len = (extra_len | (EXTRA_ROUNDING * EXTRA_LEN)) + EXTRA_LEN; #endif if (inc_recurse && S_ISDIR(mode)) { if (one_file_system) { /* Room to save the dir's device for -x */ extra_len += 2 * EXTRA_LEN; } pool = dir_flist->file_pool; } else pool = flist->file_pool; alloc_len = FILE_STRUCT_LEN + extra_len + basename_len + linkname_len; bp = pool_alloc(pool, alloc_len, "recv_file_entry"); memset(bp, 0, extra_len + FILE_STRUCT_LEN); bp += extra_len; file = (struct file_struct *)bp; bp += FILE_STRUCT_LEN; memcpy(bp, basename, basename_len); bp += basename_len + linkname_len; /* skip space for symlink too */ #ifdef SUPPORT_HARD_LINKS if (flags & XMIT_HLINKED) file->flags |= FLAG_HLINKED; #endif file->modtime = (time_t)modtime; file->len32 = (uint32)file_length; if (file_length > 0xFFFFFFFFu && S_ISREG(mode)) { file->flags |= FLAG_LENGTH64; OPT_EXTRA(file, 0)->unum = (uint32)(file_length >> 32); } file->mode = mode; if (preserve_uid) F_OWNER(file) = uid; if (preserve_gid) F_GROUP(file) = gid; #ifdef ICONV_OPTION if (ic_ndx) F_NDX(file) = flist->count + flist->ndx_start; #endif if (basename != thisname) { file->dirname = lastdir; F_DEPTH(file) = lastdir_depth + 1; } else F_DEPTH(file) = 1; if (S_ISDIR(mode)) { if (basename_len == 1+1 && *basename == '.') /* +1 for '\0' */ F_DEPTH(file)--; if (flags & XMIT_TOP_DIR) { in_del_hier = recurse; del_hier_name_len = F_DEPTH(file) == 0 ? 0 : l1 + l2; if (relative_paths && del_hier_name_len > 2 && lastname[del_hier_name_len-1] == '.' && lastname[del_hier_name_len-2] == '/') del_hier_name_len -= 2; file->flags |= FLAG_TOP_DIR | FLAG_XFER_DIR; } else if (in_del_hier) { if (!relative_paths || !del_hier_name_len || (l1 >= del_hier_name_len && lastname[del_hier_name_len] == '/')) file->flags |= FLAG_XFER_DIR; else in_del_hier = 0; } } if ((preserve_devices && IS_DEVICE(mode)) || (preserve_specials && IS_SPECIAL(mode))) { uint32 *devp = F_RDEV_P(file); DEV_MAJOR(devp) = major(rdev); DEV_MINOR(devp) = minor(rdev); } #ifdef SUPPORT_LINKS if (linkname_len) { bp = (char*)file->basename + basename_len; if (first_hlink_ndx >= 0) { struct file_struct *first = flist->files[first_hlink_ndx]; memcpy(bp, F_SYMLINK(first), linkname_len); } else read_sbuf(f, bp, linkname_len - 1); if (sanitize_paths) sanitize_path(bp, bp, "", lastdir_depth, NULL); } #endif #ifdef SUPPORT_HARD_LINKS if (preserve_hard_links && flags & XMIT_HLINKED) { if (protocol_version >= 30) { F_HL_GNUM(file) = flags & XMIT_HLINK_FIRST ? flist->count : first_hlink_ndx; } else { static int32 cnt = 0; struct idev_node *np; int64 ino; int32 ndx; if (protocol_version < 26) { dev = read_int(f); ino = read_int(f); } else { if (!(flags & XMIT_SAME_DEV_pre30)) dev = read_longint(f); ino = read_longint(f); } np = idev_node(dev, ino); ndx = (int32)(long)np->data - 1; if (ndx < 0) { ndx = cnt++; np->data = (void*)(long)cnt; } F_HL_GNUM(file) = ndx; } } #endif if (always_checksum && (S_ISREG(mode) || protocol_version < 28)) { if (S_ISREG(mode)) bp = (char*)F_SUM(file); else { /* Prior to 28, we get a useless set of nulls. */ bp = tmp_sum; } if (first_hlink_ndx >= 0) { struct file_struct *first = flist->files[first_hlink_ndx]; memcpy(bp, F_SUM(first), checksum_len); } else read_buf(f, bp, checksum_len); } #ifdef SUPPORT_ACLS if (preserve_acls && !S_ISLNK(mode)) receive_acl(file, f); #endif #ifdef SUPPORT_XATTRS if (preserve_xattrs) receive_xattr(file, f ); #endif if (S_ISREG(mode) || S_ISLNK(mode)) stats.total_size += file_length; return file; } /** * Create a file_struct for a named file by reading its stat() * information and performing extensive checks against global * options. * * @return the new file, or NULL if there was an error or this file * should be excluded. * * @todo There is a small optimization opportunity here to avoid * stat()ing the file in some circumstances, which has a certain cost. * We are called immediately after doing readdir(), and so we may * already know the d_type of the file. We could for example avoid * statting directories if we're not recursing, but this is not a very * important case. Some systems may not have d_type. **/ struct file_struct *make_file(const char *fname, struct file_list *flist, STRUCT_STAT *stp, int flags, int filter_level) { static char *lastdir; static int lastdir_len = -1; struct file_struct *file; STRUCT_STAT st; char thisname[MAXPATHLEN]; char linkname[MAXPATHLEN]; int alloc_len, basename_len, linkname_len; int extra_len = file_extra_cnt * EXTRA_LEN; const char *basename; char *bp; if (strlcpy(thisname, fname, sizeof thisname) >= sizeof thisname - pathname_len) { rprintf(FINFO, "skipping overly long name: %s\n", fname); return NULL; } clean_fname(thisname, 0); if (sanitize_paths) sanitize_path(thisname, thisname, "", 0, NULL); if (stp && S_ISDIR(stp->st_mode)) { st = *stp; /* Needed for "symlink/." with --relative. */ *linkname = '\0'; /* make IBM code checker happy */ } else if (readlink_stat(thisname, &st, linkname) != 0) { int save_errno = errno; /* See if file is excluded before reporting an error. */ if (filter_level != NO_FILTERS && (is_excluded(thisname, 0, filter_level) || is_excluded(thisname, 1, filter_level))) { if (ignore_perishable && save_errno != ENOENT) non_perishable_cnt++; return NULL; } if (save_errno == ENOENT) { #ifdef SUPPORT_LINKS /* Avoid "vanished" error if symlink points nowhere. */ if (copy_links && x_lstat(thisname, &st, NULL) == 0 && S_ISLNK(st.st_mode)) { io_error |= IOERR_GENERAL; rprintf(FERROR, "symlink has no referent: %s\n", full_fname(thisname)); } else #endif { enum logcode c = am_daemon && protocol_version < 28 ? FERROR : FINFO; io_error |= IOERR_VANISHED; rprintf(c, "file has vanished: %s\n", full_fname(thisname)); } } else { io_error |= IOERR_GENERAL; rsyserr(FERROR, save_errno, "readlink %s failed", full_fname(thisname)); } return NULL; } /* backup.c calls us with filter_level set to NO_FILTERS. */ if (filter_level == NO_FILTERS) goto skip_filters; if (S_ISDIR(st.st_mode) && !xfer_dirs) { rprintf(FINFO, "skipping directory %s\n", thisname); return NULL; } /* -x only affects directories because we need to avoid recursing * into a mount-point directory, not to avoid copying a symlinked * file if -L (or similar) was specified. */ if (one_file_system && st.st_dev != filesystem_dev && S_ISDIR(st.st_mode)) { if (one_file_system > 1) { if (verbose > 2) { rprintf(FINFO, "skipping mount-point dir %s\n", thisname); } return NULL; } flags |= FLAG_MOUNT_DIR; } if (is_excluded(thisname, S_ISDIR(st.st_mode) != 0, filter_level)) { if (ignore_perishable) non_perishable_cnt++; return NULL; } if (lp_ignore_nonreadable(module_id)) { #ifdef SUPPORT_LINKS if (!S_ISLNK(st.st_mode)) #endif if (access(thisname, R_OK) != 0) return NULL; } skip_filters: /* Only divert a directory in the main transfer. */ if (flist && flist->prev && S_ISDIR(st.st_mode) && flags & FLAG_DIVERT_DIRS) { flist = dir_flist; /* Room for parent/sibling/next-child info. */ extra_len += 3 * EXTRA_LEN; } if (verbose > 2) { rprintf(FINFO, "[%s] make_file(%s,*,%d)\n", who_am_i(), thisname, filter_level); } if ((basename = strrchr(thisname, '/')) != NULL) { int len = basename++ - thisname; if (len != lastdir_len || memcmp(thisname, lastdir, len) != 0) { lastdir = new_array(char, len + 1); memcpy(lastdir, thisname, len); lastdir[len] = '\0'; lastdir_len = len; } } else basename = thisname; basename_len = strlen(basename) + 1; /* count the '\0' */ #ifdef SUPPORT_LINKS linkname_len = S_ISLNK(st.st_mode) ? strlen(linkname) + 1 : 0; #else linkname_len = 0; #endif if (st.st_size > 0xFFFFFFFFu && S_ISREG(st.st_mode)) extra_len += EXTRA_LEN; #if EXTRA_ROUNDING > 0 if (extra_len & (EXTRA_ROUNDING * EXTRA_LEN)) extra_len = (extra_len | (EXTRA_ROUNDING * EXTRA_LEN)) + EXTRA_LEN; #endif alloc_len = FILE_STRUCT_LEN + extra_len + basename_len + linkname_len; if (flist) bp = pool_alloc(flist->file_pool, alloc_len, "make_file"); else { if (!(bp = new_array(char, alloc_len))) out_of_memory("make_file"); } memset(bp, 0, extra_len + FILE_STRUCT_LEN); bp += extra_len; file = (struct file_struct *)bp; bp += FILE_STRUCT_LEN; memcpy(bp, basename, basename_len); bp += basename_len + linkname_len; /* skip space for symlink too */ #ifdef SUPPORT_HARD_LINKS if (preserve_hard_links && flist && flist->prev) { if (protocol_version >= 28 ? (!S_ISDIR(st.st_mode) && st.st_nlink > 1) : S_ISREG(st.st_mode)) { tmp_dev = st.st_dev; tmp_ino = st.st_ino; } else tmp_dev = 0; } #endif #ifdef HAVE_STRUCT_STAT_ST_RDEV if (IS_DEVICE(st.st_mode) || IS_SPECIAL(st.st_mode)) { tmp_rdev = st.st_rdev; st.st_size = 0; } #endif file->flags = flags; file->modtime = st.st_mtime; file->len32 = (uint32)st.st_size; if (st.st_size > 0xFFFFFFFFu && S_ISREG(st.st_mode)) { file->flags |= FLAG_LENGTH64; OPT_EXTRA(file, 0)->unum = (uint32)(st.st_size >> 32); } file->mode = st.st_mode; if (preserve_uid) F_OWNER(file) = st.st_uid; if (preserve_gid) F_GROUP(file) = st.st_gid; if (basename != thisname) file->dirname = lastdir; #ifdef SUPPORT_LINKS if (linkname_len) { bp = (char*)file->basename + basename_len; memcpy(bp, linkname, linkname_len); } #endif if (always_checksum && am_sender && S_ISREG(st.st_mode)) file_checksum(thisname, tmp_sum, st.st_size); F_PATHNAME(file) = pathname; /* This code is only used by the receiver when it is building * a list of files for a delete pass. */ if (keep_dirlinks && linkname_len && flist) { STRUCT_STAT st2; int save_mode = file->mode; file->mode = S_IFDIR; /* Find a directory with our name. */ if (flist_find(dir_flist, file) >= 0 && x_stat(thisname, &st2, NULL) == 0 && S_ISDIR(st2.st_mode)) { file->modtime = st2.st_mtime; file->len32 = 0; file->mode = st2.st_mode; if (preserve_uid) F_OWNER(file) = st2.st_uid; if (preserve_gid) F_GROUP(file) = st2.st_gid; } else file->mode = save_mode; } if (basename_len == 0+1) return NULL; if (inc_recurse && flist == dir_flist) { flist_expand(flist); flist->files[flist->count++] = file; } return file; } /* Only called for temporary file_struct entries created by make_file(). */ void unmake_file(struct file_struct *file) { int extra_cnt = file_extra_cnt + LEN64_BUMP(file); #if EXTRA_ROUNDING > 0 if (extra_cnt & EXTRA_ROUNDING) extra_cnt = (extra_cnt | EXTRA_ROUNDING) + 1; #endif free(REQ_EXTRA(file, extra_cnt)); } static struct file_struct *send_file_name(int f, struct file_list *flist, char *fname, STRUCT_STAT *stp, int flags, int filter_flags) { struct file_struct *file; #if defined SUPPORT_ACLS || defined SUPPORT_XATTRS statx sx; #endif file = make_file(fname, flist, stp, flags, filter_flags); if (!file) return NULL; if (chmod_modes && !S_ISLNK(file->mode)) file->mode = tweak_mode(file->mode, chmod_modes); #ifdef SUPPORT_ACLS if (preserve_acls && !S_ISLNK(file->mode) && f >= 0) { sx.st.st_mode = file->mode; sx.acc_acl = sx.def_acl = NULL; if (get_acl(fname, &sx) < 0) return NULL; } #endif #ifdef SUPPORT_XATTRS if (preserve_xattrs && f >= 0) { sx.xattr = NULL; if (get_xattr(fname, &sx) < 0) return NULL; } #endif maybe_emit_filelist_progress(flist->count + flist_count_offset); flist_expand(flist); flist->files[flist->count++] = file; if (f >= 0) { send_file_entry(f, file, flist->count - 1); #ifdef SUPPORT_ACLS if (preserve_acls && !S_ISLNK(file->mode)) { send_acl(&sx, f); free_acl(&sx); } #endif #ifdef SUPPORT_XATTRS if (preserve_xattrs) { F_XATTR(file) = send_xattr(&sx, f); free_xattr(&sx); } #endif } return file; } static void send_if_directory(int f, struct file_list *flist, struct file_struct *file, char *fbuf, unsigned int ol, int flags) { char is_dot_dir = fbuf[ol-1] == '.' && (ol == 1 || fbuf[ol-2] == '/'); if (S_ISDIR(file->mode) && !(file->flags & FLAG_MOUNT_DIR) && f_name(file, fbuf)) { void *save_filters; unsigned int len = strlen(fbuf); if (len > 1 && fbuf[len-1] == '/') fbuf[--len] = '\0'; if (len >= MAXPATHLEN - 1) { io_error |= IOERR_GENERAL; rprintf(FERROR, "skipping long-named directory: %s\n", full_fname(fbuf)); return; } save_filters = push_local_filters(fbuf, len); send_directory(f, flist, -1, fbuf, len, flags); pop_local_filters(save_filters); fbuf[ol] = '\0'; if (is_dot_dir) fbuf[ol-1] = '.'; } } static int file_compare(struct file_struct **file1, struct file_struct **file2) { return f_name_cmp(*file1, *file2); } /* We take an entire set of sibling dirs from dir_flist (start <= ndx <= end), * sort them by name, and link them into the tree, setting the appropriate * parent/child/sibling pointers. */ static void add_dirs_to_tree(int parent_ndx, int start, int end) { int i; int32 *dp = NULL; int32 *parent_dp = parent_ndx < 0 ? NULL : F_DIRNODE_P(dir_flist->files[parent_ndx]); qsort(dir_flist->files + start, end - start + 1, sizeof dir_flist->files[0], (int (*)())file_compare); for (i = start; i <= end; i++) { struct file_struct *file = dir_flist->files[i]; if (!(file->flags & FLAG_XFER_DIR) || file->flags & FLAG_MOUNT_DIR) continue; if (dp) DIR_NEXT_SIBLING(dp) = i; else if (parent_dp) DIR_FIRST_CHILD(parent_dp) = i; else send_dir_ndx = i; dp = F_DIRNODE_P(file); DIR_PARENT(dp) = parent_ndx; DIR_FIRST_CHILD(dp) = -1; } if (dp) DIR_NEXT_SIBLING(dp) = -1; } /* This function is normally called by the sender, but the receiving side also * calls it from get_dirlist() with f set to -1 so that we just construct the * file list in memory without sending it over the wire. Also, get_dirlist() * might call this with f set to -2, which also indicates that local filter * rules should be ignored. */ static void send_directory(int f, struct file_list *flist, int parent_ndx, char *fbuf, int len, int flags) { struct dirent *di; unsigned remainder; char *p; DIR *d; int divert_dirs = (flags & FLAG_DIVERT_DIRS) != 0; int start = divert_dirs ? dir_flist->count : flist->count; int filter_flags = f == -2 ? SERVER_FILTERS : ALL_FILTERS; assert(flist != NULL); if (!(d = opendir(fbuf))) { io_error |= IOERR_GENERAL; rsyserr(FERROR, errno, "opendir %s failed", full_fname(fbuf)); return; } p = fbuf + len; if (len != 1 || *fbuf != '/') *p++ = '/'; *p = '\0'; remainder = MAXPATHLEN - (p - fbuf); for (errno = 0, di = readdir(d); di; errno = 0, di = readdir(d)) { char *dname = d_name(di); if (dname[0] == '.' && (dname[1] == '\0' || (dname[1] == '.' && dname[2] == '\0'))) continue; if (strlcpy(p, dname, remainder) >= remainder) { io_error |= IOERR_GENERAL; rprintf(FINFO, "cannot send long-named file %s\n", full_fname(fbuf)); continue; } send_file_name(f, flist, fbuf, NULL, flags, filter_flags); } fbuf[len] = '\0'; if (errno) { io_error |= IOERR_GENERAL; rsyserr(FERROR, errno, "readdir(%s)", full_fname(fbuf)); } closedir(d); if (f < 0) return; if (divert_dirs) add_dirs_to_tree(parent_ndx, start, dir_flist->count - 1); else if (recurse) { int i, end = flist->count - 1; /* send_if_directory() bumps flist->count, so use "end". */ for (i = start; i <= end; i++) send_if_directory(f, flist, flist->files[i], fbuf, len, flags); } } void send_extra_file_list(int f, int at_least) { char fbuf[MAXPATHLEN]; struct file_list *flist; int64 start_write; int future_cnt, save_io_error = io_error; if (flist_eof) return; /* Keep sending data until we have the requested number of * files in the upcoming file-lists. */ if (cur_flist->next) { flist = first_flist->prev; /* the newest flist */ future_cnt = flist->count + flist->ndx_start - cur_flist->next->ndx_start; } else future_cnt = 0; while (future_cnt < at_least) { struct file_struct *file = dir_flist->files[send_dir_ndx]; int32 *dp; int dlen; f_name(file, fbuf); dlen = strlen(fbuf); if (F_PATHNAME(file) != pathname) { if (!push_pathname(F_PATHNAME(file), -1)) exit_cleanup(RERR_FILESELECT); } flist = flist_new(0, "send_extra_file_list"); start_write = stats.total_written; write_ndx(f, NDX_FLIST_OFFSET - send_dir_ndx); change_local_filter_dir(fbuf, dlen, send_dir_depth); send_directory(f, flist, send_dir_ndx, fbuf, dlen, FLAG_DIVERT_DIRS | FLAG_XFER_DIR); write_byte(f, 0); #ifdef ICONV_OPTION if (!need_unsorted_flist) #endif { flist->sorted = flist->files; clean_flist(flist, 0, 0); } file_total += flist->count; future_cnt += flist->count; stats.flist_size += stats.total_written - start_write; stats.num_files += flist->count; if (verbose > 3) output_flist(flist); dp = F_DIRNODE_P(file); if (DIR_FIRST_CHILD(dp) >= 0) { send_dir_ndx = DIR_FIRST_CHILD(dp); send_dir_depth++; } else { while (DIR_NEXT_SIBLING(dp) < 0) { if ((send_dir_ndx = DIR_PARENT(dp)) < 0) { write_ndx(f, NDX_FLIST_EOF); flist_eof = 1; change_local_filter_dir(NULL, 0, 0); goto finish; } send_dir_depth--; file = dir_flist->files[send_dir_ndx]; dp = F_DIRNODE_P(file); } send_dir_ndx = DIR_NEXT_SIBLING(dp); } } finish: if (io_error != save_io_error && !ignore_errors) send_msg_int(MSG_IO_ERROR, io_error); } struct file_list *send_file_list(int f, int argc, char *argv[]) { static const char *lastdir; static int lastdir_len = -1; int len, dirlen; STRUCT_STAT st; char *p, *dir; char lastpath[MAXPATHLEN] = ""; struct file_list *flist; struct timeval start_tv, end_tv; int64 start_write; int use_ff_fd = 0; int flags, disable_buffering; rprintf(FLOG, "building file list\n"); if (show_filelist_p()) start_filelist_progress("building file list"); else if (inc_recurse && verbose && !am_server) rprintf(FCLIENT, "sending incremental file list\n"); start_write = stats.total_written; gettimeofday(&start_tv, NULL); #ifdef SUPPORT_HARD_LINKS if (preserve_hard_links && protocol_version >= 30 && !cur_flist) init_hard_links(); #endif flist = cur_flist = flist_new(0, "send_file_list"); if (inc_recurse) { dir_flist = flist_new(FLIST_TEMP, "send_file_list"); flags = FLAG_DIVERT_DIRS; } else { dir_flist = cur_flist; flags = 0; } disable_buffering = io_start_buffering_out(f); if (filesfrom_fd >= 0) { if (argv[0] && !push_dir(argv[0], 0)) { rsyserr(FERROR, errno, "push_dir %s failed in %s", full_fname(argv[0]), curr_dir); exit_cleanup(RERR_FILESELECT); } use_ff_fd = 1; } while (1) { char fbuf[MAXPATHLEN]; char *fn; int is_dot_dir; if (use_ff_fd) { if (read_filesfrom_line(filesfrom_fd, fbuf) == 0) break; sanitize_path(fbuf, fbuf, "", 0, NULL); } else { if (argc-- == 0) break; strlcpy(fbuf, *argv++, MAXPATHLEN); if (sanitize_paths) sanitize_path(fbuf, fbuf, "", 0, NULL); } len = strlen(fbuf); if (relative_paths) { /* We clean up fbuf below. */ is_dot_dir = 0; } else if (!len || fbuf[len - 1] == '/') { if (len == 2 && fbuf[0] == '.') { /* Turn "./" into just "." rather than "./." */ fbuf[1] = '\0'; } else { if (len + 1 >= MAXPATHLEN) overflow_exit("send_file_list"); fbuf[len++] = '.'; fbuf[len] = '\0'; } is_dot_dir = 1; } else if (len > 1 && fbuf[len-1] == '.' && fbuf[len-2] == '.' && (len == 2 || fbuf[len-3] == '/')) { if (len + 2 >= MAXPATHLEN) overflow_exit("send_file_list"); fbuf[len++] = '/'; fbuf[len++] = '.'; fbuf[len] = '\0'; is_dot_dir = 1; } else { is_dot_dir = fbuf[len-1] == '.' && (len == 1 || fbuf[len-2] == '/'); } dir = NULL; if (!relative_paths) { p = strrchr(fbuf, '/'); if (p) { *p = '\0'; if (p == fbuf) dir = "/"; else dir = fbuf; len -= p - fbuf + 1; fn = p + 1; } else fn = fbuf; } else { if ((p = strstr(fbuf, "/./")) != NULL) { *p = '\0'; if (p == fbuf) dir = "/"; else dir = fbuf; len -= p - fbuf + 3; fn = p + 3; } else fn = fbuf; /* Get rid of trailing "/" and "/.". */ while (len) { if (fn[len - 1] == '/') { is_dot_dir = 1; if (!--len && !dir) { len++; break; } } else if (len >= 2 && fn[len - 1] == '.' && fn[len - 2] == '/') { is_dot_dir = 1; if (!(len -= 2) && !dir) { len++; break; } } else break; } if (len == 1 && fn[0] == '/') fn[len++] = '.'; fn[len] = '\0'; /* Reject a ".." dir in the active part of the path. */ for (p = fn; (p = strstr(p, "..")) != NULL; p += 2) { if ((p[2] == '/' || p[2] == '\0') && (p == fn || p[-1] == '/')) { rprintf(FERROR, "found \"..\" dir in relative path: %s\n", fbuf); exit_cleanup(RERR_SYNTAX); } } } if (!*fn) { len = 1; fn = "."; } dirlen = dir ? strlen(dir) : 0; if (dirlen != lastdir_len || memcmp(lastdir, dir, dirlen) != 0) { if (!push_pathname(dir ? strdup(dir) : NULL, dirlen)) goto push_error; lastdir = pathname; lastdir_len = pathname_len; } else if (!push_pathname(lastdir, lastdir_len)) { push_error: io_error |= IOERR_GENERAL; rsyserr(FERROR, errno, "push_dir %s failed in %s", full_fname(dir), curr_dir); continue; } if (fn != fbuf) memmove(fbuf, fn, len + 1); if (link_stat(fbuf, &st, copy_dirlinks) != 0) { io_error |= IOERR_GENERAL; rsyserr(FERROR, errno, "link_stat %s failed", full_fname(fbuf)); continue; } if (S_ISDIR(st.st_mode) && !xfer_dirs) { rprintf(FINFO, "skipping directory %s\n", fbuf); continue; } if (implied_dirs && (p=strrchr(fbuf,'/')) && p != fbuf) { /* Send the implied directories at the start of the * source spec, so we get their permissions right. */ char *lp = lastpath, *slash = fbuf; *p = '\0'; /* Skip any initial directories in our path that we * have in common with lastpath. */ for (fn = fbuf; *fn && *lp == *fn; lp++, fn++) { if (*fn == '/') slash = fn; } *p = '/'; if (fn != p || (*lp && *lp != '/')) { int save_copy_links = copy_links; int save_xfer_dirs = xfer_dirs; int dir_flags = inc_recurse ? FLAG_DIVERT_DIRS : 0; copy_links |= copy_unsafe_links; xfer_dirs = 1; while ((slash = strchr(slash+1, '/')) != 0) { *slash = '\0'; send_file_name(f, flist, fbuf, NULL, dir_flags, ALL_FILTERS); *slash = '/'; } copy_links = save_copy_links; xfer_dirs = save_xfer_dirs; *p = '\0'; strlcpy(lastpath, fbuf, sizeof lastpath); *p = '/'; } } if (one_file_system) filesystem_dev = st.st_dev; if (recurse || (xfer_dirs && is_dot_dir)) { struct file_struct *file; int top_flags = FLAG_TOP_DIR | FLAG_XFER_DIR | flags; file = send_file_name(f, flist, fbuf, &st, top_flags, ALL_FILTERS); if (file && !inc_recurse) send_if_directory(f, flist, file, fbuf, len, flags); } else send_file_name(f, flist, fbuf, &st, flags, ALL_FILTERS); } gettimeofday(&end_tv, NULL); stats.flist_buildtime = (int64)(end_tv.tv_sec - start_tv.tv_sec) * 1000 + (end_tv.tv_usec - start_tv.tv_usec) / 1000; if (stats.flist_buildtime == 0) stats.flist_buildtime = 1; start_tv = end_tv; write_byte(f, 0); /* Indicate end of file list */ #ifdef SUPPORT_HARD_LINKS if (preserve_hard_links && protocol_version >= 30 && !inc_recurse) idev_destroy(); #endif if (show_filelist_p()) finish_filelist_progress(flist); gettimeofday(&end_tv, NULL); stats.flist_xfertime = (int64)(end_tv.tv_sec - start_tv.tv_sec) * 1000 + (end_tv.tv_usec - start_tv.tv_usec) / 1000; /* When converting names, both sides keep an unsorted file-list array * because the names will differ on the sending and receiving sides * (both sides will use the unsorted index number for each item). */ /* Sort the list without removing any duplicates in non-incremental * mode. This allows the receiving side to ask for whatever name it * kept. For incremental mode, the sender also removes duplicates * in this initial file-list so that it avoids re-sending duplicated * directories. */ #ifdef ICONV_OPTION if (need_unsorted_flist) { if (inc_recurse) { if (!(flist->sorted = new_array(struct file_struct *, flist->count))) out_of_memory("recv_file_list"); memcpy(flist->sorted, flist->files, flist->count * sizeof (struct file_struct*)); clean_flist(flist, 0, 1); } } else #endif { flist->sorted = flist->files; clean_flist(flist, 0, inc_recurse); } file_total += flist->count; if (!numeric_ids && !inc_recurse) send_uid_list(f); /* send the io_error flag */ if (protocol_version < 30) write_int(f, ignore_errors ? 0 : io_error); else if (io_error && !ignore_errors) send_msg_int(MSG_IO_ERROR, io_error); if (disable_buffering) io_end_buffering_out(); stats.flist_size = stats.total_written - start_write; stats.num_files = flist->count; if (verbose > 3) output_flist(flist); if (verbose > 2) rprintf(FINFO, "send_file_list done\n"); if (inc_recurse) { add_dirs_to_tree(-1, 0, dir_flist->count - 1); if (send_dir_ndx < 0) { write_ndx(f, NDX_FLIST_EOF); flist_eof = 1; } else if (file_total == 1) { /* If we're creating incremental file-lists and there * was just 1 item in the first file-list, send 1 more * file-list to check if this is a 1-file xfer. */ send_extra_file_list(f, 1); } } return flist; } struct file_list *recv_file_list(int f) { struct file_list *flist; int dstart, flags; int64 start_read; if (!first_flist) rprintf(FLOG, "receiving file list\n"); if (show_filelist_p()) start_filelist_progress("receiving file list"); else if (inc_recurse && verbose && !am_server && !first_flist) rprintf(FCLIENT, "receiving incremental file list\n"); start_read = stats.total_read; flist = flist_new(0, "recv_file_list"); #ifdef SUPPORT_HARD_LINKS if (preserve_hard_links && protocol_version < 30) init_hard_links(); #endif if (inc_recurse) { if (flist->ndx_start == 0) dir_flist = flist_new(FLIST_TEMP, "recv_file_list"); dstart = dir_flist->count; } else { dir_flist = flist; dstart = 0; } while ((flags = read_byte(f)) != 0) { struct file_struct *file; flist_expand(flist); if (protocol_version >= 28 && (flags & XMIT_EXTENDED_FLAGS)) flags |= read_byte(f) << 8; file = recv_file_entry(flist, flags, f); if (inc_recurse && S_ISDIR(file->mode)) { flist_expand(dir_flist); dir_flist->files[dir_flist->count++] = file; } flist->files[flist->count++] = file; maybe_emit_filelist_progress(flist->count); if (verbose > 2) { rprintf(FINFO, "recv_file_name(%s)\n", f_name(file, NULL)); } } file_total += flist->count; if (verbose > 2) rprintf(FINFO, "received %d names\n", flist->count); if (show_filelist_p()) finish_filelist_progress(flist); #ifdef ICONV_OPTION if (need_unsorted_flist) { /* Create an extra array of index pointers that we can sort for * the generator's use (for wading through the files in sorted * order and for calling flist_find()). We keep the "files" * list unsorted for our exchange of index numbers with the * other side (since their names may not sort the same). */ if (!(flist->sorted = new_array(struct file_struct *, flist->count))) out_of_memory("recv_file_list"); memcpy(flist->sorted, flist->files, flist->count * sizeof (struct file_struct*)); } else #endif flist->sorted = flist->files; clean_flist(flist, relative_paths, 1); if (inc_recurse) { dir_flist->sorted = dir_flist->files; qsort(dir_flist->sorted + dstart, dir_flist->count - dstart, sizeof dir_flist->sorted[0], (int (*)())file_compare); } else if (f >= 0) recv_uid_list(f, flist); if (protocol_version < 30) { /* Recv the io_error flag */ if (ignore_errors) read_int(f); else io_error |= read_int(f); } if (verbose > 3) output_flist(flist); if (list_only) { int i; for (i = 0; i < flist->count; i++) list_file_entry(flist->files[i]); } if (verbose > 2) rprintf(FINFO, "recv_file_list done\n"); stats.flist_size += stats.total_read - start_read; stats.num_files += flist->count; return flist; } /* This is only used once by the receiver if the very first file-list * has exactly one item in it. */ void recv_additional_file_list(int f) { struct file_list *flist; int ndx = read_ndx(f); if (ndx == NDX_FLIST_EOF) { flist_eof = 1; change_local_filter_dir(NULL, 0, 0); } else { ndx = NDX_FLIST_OFFSET - ndx; if (ndx < 0 || ndx >= dir_flist->count) { ndx = NDX_FLIST_OFFSET - ndx; rprintf(FERROR, "Invalid dir index: %d (%d - %d)\n", ndx, NDX_FLIST_OFFSET, NDX_FLIST_OFFSET - dir_flist->count); exit_cleanup(RERR_PROTOCOL); } flist = recv_file_list(f); flist->parent_ndx = ndx; } } /* Search for an identically-named item in the file list. Note that the * items must agree in their directory-ness, or no match is returned. */ int flist_find(struct file_list *flist, struct file_struct *f) { int low = flist->low, high = flist->high; int diff, mid, mid_up; while (low <= high) { mid = (low + high) / 2; if (F_IS_ACTIVE(flist->sorted[mid])) mid_up = mid; else { /* Scan for the next non-empty entry using the cached * distance values. If the value isn't fully up-to- * date, update it. */ mid_up = mid + F_DEPTH(flist->sorted[mid]); if (!F_IS_ACTIVE(flist->sorted[mid_up])) { do { mid_up += F_DEPTH(flist->sorted[mid_up]); } while (!F_IS_ACTIVE(flist->sorted[mid_up])); F_DEPTH(flist->sorted[mid]) = mid_up - mid; } if (mid_up > high) { /* If there's nothing left above us, set high to * a non-empty entry below us and continue. */ high = mid - (int)flist->sorted[mid]->len32; if (!F_IS_ACTIVE(flist->sorted[high])) { do { high -= (int)flist->sorted[high]->len32; } while (!F_IS_ACTIVE(flist->sorted[high])); flist->sorted[mid]->len32 = mid - high; } continue; } } diff = f_name_cmp(flist->sorted[mid_up], f); if (diff == 0) { if (protocol_version < 29 && S_ISDIR(flist->sorted[mid_up]->mode) != S_ISDIR(f->mode)) return -1; return mid_up; } if (diff < 0) low = mid_up + 1; else high = mid - 1; } return -1; } /* * Free up any resources a file_struct has allocated * and clear the file. */ void clear_file(struct file_struct *file) { /* The +1 zeros out the first char of the basename. */ memset(file, 0, FILE_STRUCT_LEN + 1); /* In an empty entry, F_DEPTH() is an offset to the next non-empty * entry. Likewise for len32 in the opposite direction. We assume * that we're alone for now since flist_find() will adjust the counts * it runs into that aren't up-to-date. */ file->len32 = F_DEPTH(file) = 1; } /* Allocate a new file list. */ struct file_list *flist_new(int flags, char *msg) { struct file_list *flist; flist = new(struct file_list); if (!flist) out_of_memory(msg); memset(flist, 0, sizeof flist[0]); if (!(flags & FLIST_TEMP)) { if (first_flist) { flist->ndx_start = first_flist->prev->ndx_start + first_flist->prev->count; } /* This is a doubly linked list with prev looping back to * the end of the list, but the last next pointer is NULL. */ if (!first_flist) first_flist = cur_flist = flist->prev = flist; else { flist->prev = first_flist->prev; flist->prev->next = first_flist->prev = flist; } flist_cnt++; } if (!(flist->file_pool = pool_create(FILE_EXTENT, 0, out_of_memory, POOL_INTERN))) out_of_memory(msg); return flist; } /* Free up all elements in a flist. */ void flist_free(struct file_list *flist) { if (!flist->prev) ; /* Was FLIST_TEMP dir-list. */ else if (flist == flist->prev) { first_flist = cur_flist = NULL; file_total = 0; flist_cnt = 0; } else { if (flist == cur_flist) cur_flist = flist->next; if (flist == first_flist) first_flist = first_flist->next; else { flist->prev->next = flist->next; if (!flist->next) flist->next = first_flist; } flist->next->prev = flist->prev; file_total -= flist->count; flist_cnt--; } pool_destroy(flist->file_pool); if (flist->sorted && flist->sorted != flist->files) free(flist->sorted); free(flist->files); free(flist); } /* * This routine ensures we don't have any duplicate names in our file list. * duplicate names can cause corruption because of the pipelining */ static void clean_flist(struct file_list *flist, int strip_root, int no_dups) { char fbuf[MAXPATHLEN]; int i, prev_i = 0; if (!flist) return; if (flist->count == 0) { flist->high = -1; return; } qsort(flist->sorted, flist->count, sizeof flist->sorted[0], (int (*)())file_compare); for (i = no_dups? 0 : flist->count; i < flist->count; i++) { if (F_IS_ACTIVE(flist->sorted[i])) { prev_i = i; break; } } flist->low = prev_i; while (++i < flist->count) { int j; struct file_struct *file = flist->sorted[i]; if (!F_IS_ACTIVE(file)) continue; if (f_name_cmp(file, flist->sorted[prev_i]) == 0) j = prev_i; else if (protocol_version >= 29 && S_ISDIR(file->mode)) { int save_mode = file->mode; /* Make sure that this directory doesn't duplicate a * non-directory earlier in the list. */ flist->high = prev_i; file->mode = S_IFREG; j = flist_find(flist, file); file->mode = save_mode; } else j = -1; if (j >= 0) { struct file_struct *fp = flist->sorted[j]; int keep, drop; /* If one is a dir and the other is not, we want to * keep the dir because it might have contents in the * list. */ if (S_ISDIR(file->mode) != S_ISDIR(fp->mode)) { if (S_ISDIR(file->mode)) keep = i, drop = j; else keep = j, drop = i; } else if (protocol_version < 27) keep = j, drop = i; else keep = i, drop = j; if (verbose > 1 && !am_server) { rprintf(FINFO, "removing duplicate name %s from file list (%d)\n", f_name(file, fbuf), drop); } /* Make sure we don't lose track of a user-specified * top directory. */ flist->sorted[keep]->flags |= flist->sorted[drop]->flags & (FLAG_TOP_DIR|FLAG_XFER_DIR); clear_file(flist->sorted[drop]); if (keep == i) { if (flist->low == drop) { for (j = drop + 1; j < i && !F_IS_ACTIVE(flist->sorted[j]); j++) {} flist->low = j; } prev_i = i; } } else prev_i = i; } flist->high = no_dups ? prev_i : flist->count - 1; if (strip_root) { /* We need to strip off the leading slashes for relative * paths, but this must be done _after_ the sorting phase. */ for (i = flist->low; i <= flist->high; i++) { struct file_struct *file = flist->sorted[i]; if (!file->dirname) continue; while (*file->dirname == '/') file->dirname++; if (!*file->dirname) file->dirname = NULL; } } if (prune_empty_dirs && no_dups) { int j, prev_depth = 0; prev_i = 0; /* It's OK that this isn't really true. */ for (i = flist->low; i <= flist->high; i++) { struct file_struct *fp, *file = flist->sorted[i]; /* This temporarily abuses the F_DEPTH() value for a * directory that is in a chain that might get pruned. * We restore the old value if it gets a reprieve. */ if (S_ISDIR(file->mode) && F_DEPTH(file)) { /* Dump empty dirs when coming back down. */ for (j = prev_depth; j >= F_DEPTH(file); j--) { fp = flist->sorted[prev_i]; if (F_DEPTH(fp) >= 0) break; prev_i = -F_DEPTH(fp)-1; clear_file(fp); } prev_depth = F_DEPTH(file); if (is_excluded(f_name(file, fbuf), 1, ALL_FILTERS)) { /* Keep dirs through this dir. */ for (j = prev_depth-1; ; j--) { fp = flist->sorted[prev_i]; if (F_DEPTH(fp) >= 0) break; prev_i = -F_DEPTH(fp)-1; F_DEPTH(fp) = j; } } else F_DEPTH(file) = -prev_i-1; prev_i = i; } else { /* Keep dirs through this non-dir. */ for (j = prev_depth; ; j--) { fp = flist->sorted[prev_i]; if (F_DEPTH(fp) >= 0) break; prev_i = -F_DEPTH(fp)-1; F_DEPTH(fp) = j; } } } /* Dump all remaining empty dirs. */ while (1) { struct file_struct *fp = flist->sorted[prev_i]; if (F_DEPTH(fp) >= 0) break; prev_i = -F_DEPTH(fp)-1; clear_file(fp); } for (i = flist->low; i <= flist->high; i++) { if (F_IS_ACTIVE(flist->sorted[i])) break; } flist->low = i; for (i = flist->high; i >= flist->low; i--) { if (F_IS_ACTIVE(flist->sorted[i])) break; } flist->high = i; } } static void output_flist(struct file_list *flist) { char uidbuf[16], gidbuf[16], depthbuf[16]; struct file_struct *file; const char *root, *dir, *slash, *name, *trail; const char *who = who_am_i(); int i; rprintf(FINFO, "[%s] flist start=%d, count=%d, low=%d, high=%d\n", who, flist->ndx_start, flist->count, flist->low, flist->high); for (i = 0; i < flist->count; i++) { file = flist->files[i]; if ((am_root || am_sender) && preserve_uid) { snprintf(uidbuf, sizeof uidbuf, " uid=%ld", (long)F_UID(file)); } else *uidbuf = '\0'; if (preserve_gid && F_GID(file) != GID_NONE) { snprintf(gidbuf, sizeof gidbuf, " gid=%ld", (long)F_GID(file)); } else *gidbuf = '\0'; if (!am_sender) snprintf(depthbuf, sizeof depthbuf, "%d", F_DEPTH(file)); if (F_IS_ACTIVE(file)) { root = am_sender ? NS(F_PATHNAME(file)) : depthbuf; if ((dir = file->dirname) == NULL) dir = slash = ""; else slash = "/"; name = file->basename; trail = S_ISDIR(file->mode) ? "/" : ""; } else root = dir = slash = name = trail = ""; rprintf(FINFO, "[%s] i=%d %s %s%s%s%s mode=0%o len=%.0f%s%s flags=%x\n", who, i, root, dir, slash, name, trail, (int)file->mode, (double)F_LENGTH(file), uidbuf, gidbuf, file->flags); } } enum fnc_state { s_DIR, s_SLASH, s_BASE, s_TRAILING }; enum fnc_type { t_PATH, t_ITEM }; /* Compare the names of two file_struct entities, similar to how strcmp() * would do if it were operating on the joined strings. * * Some differences beginning with protocol_version 29: (1) directory names * are compared with an assumed trailing slash so that they compare in a * way that would cause them to sort immediately prior to any content they * may have; (2) a directory of any name compares after a non-directory of * any name at the same depth; (3) a directory with name "." compares prior * to anything else. These changes mean that a directory and a non-dir * with the same name will not compare as equal (protocol_version >= 29). * * The dirname component can be an empty string, but the basename component * cannot (and never is in the current codebase). The basename component * may be NULL (for a removed item), in which case it is considered to be * after any existing item. */ int f_name_cmp(struct file_struct *f1, struct file_struct *f2) { int dif; const uchar *c1, *c2; enum fnc_state state1, state2; enum fnc_type type1, type2; enum fnc_type t_path = protocol_version >= 29 ? t_PATH : t_ITEM; if (!f1 || !F_IS_ACTIVE(f1)) { if (!f2 || !F_IS_ACTIVE(f2)) return 0; return -1; } if (!f2 || !F_IS_ACTIVE(f2)) return 1; c1 = (uchar*)f1->dirname; c2 = (uchar*)f2->dirname; if (c1 == c2) c1 = c2 = NULL; if (!c1) { type1 = S_ISDIR(f1->mode) ? t_path : t_ITEM; c1 = (const uchar*)f1->basename; if (type1 == t_PATH && *c1 == '.' && !c1[1]) { type1 = t_ITEM; state1 = s_TRAILING; c1 = (uchar*)""; } else state1 = s_BASE; } else { type1 = t_path; state1 = s_DIR; } if (!c2) { type2 = S_ISDIR(f2->mode) ? t_path : t_ITEM; c2 = (const uchar*)f2->basename; if (type2 == t_PATH && *c2 == '.' && !c2[1]) { type2 = t_ITEM; state2 = s_TRAILING; c2 = (uchar*)""; } else state2 = s_BASE; } else { type2 = t_path; state2 = s_DIR; } if (type1 != type2) return type1 == t_PATH ? 1 : -1; do { if (!*c1) { switch (state1) { case s_DIR: state1 = s_SLASH; c1 = (uchar*)"/"; break; case s_SLASH: type1 = S_ISDIR(f1->mode) ? t_path : t_ITEM; c1 = (const uchar*)f1->basename; if (type1 == t_PATH && *c1 == '.' && !c1[1]) { type1 = t_ITEM; state1 = s_TRAILING; c1 = (uchar*)""; } else state1 = s_BASE; break; case s_BASE: state1 = s_TRAILING; if (type1 == t_PATH) { c1 = (uchar*)"/"; break; } /* FALL THROUGH */ case s_TRAILING: type1 = t_ITEM; break; } if (*c2 && type1 != type2) return type1 == t_PATH ? 1 : -1; } if (!*c2) { switch (state2) { case s_DIR: state2 = s_SLASH; c2 = (uchar*)"/"; break; case s_SLASH: type2 = S_ISDIR(f2->mode) ? t_path : t_ITEM; c2 = (const uchar*)f2->basename; if (type2 == t_PATH && *c2 == '.' && !c2[1]) { type2 = t_ITEM; state2 = s_TRAILING; c2 = (uchar*)""; } else state2 = s_BASE; break; case s_BASE: state2 = s_TRAILING; if (type2 == t_PATH) { c2 = (uchar*)"/"; break; } /* FALL THROUGH */ case s_TRAILING: if (!*c1) return 0; type2 = t_ITEM; break; } if (type1 != type2) return type1 == t_PATH ? 1 : -1; } } while ((dif = (int)*c1++ - (int)*c2++) == 0); return dif; } char *f_name_buf(void) { static char names[5][MAXPATHLEN]; static unsigned int n; n = (n + 1) % (sizeof names / sizeof names[0]); return names[n]; } /* Return a copy of the full filename of a flist entry, using the indicated * buffer or one of 5 static buffers if fbuf is NULL. No size-checking is * done because we checked the size when creating the file_struct entry. */ char *f_name(struct file_struct *f, char *fbuf) { if (!f || !F_IS_ACTIVE(f)) return NULL; if (!fbuf) fbuf = f_name_buf(); if (f->dirname) { int len = strlen(f->dirname); memcpy(fbuf, f->dirname, len); fbuf[len] = '/'; strlcpy(fbuf + len + 1, f->basename, MAXPATHLEN - (len + 1)); } else strlcpy(fbuf, f->basename, MAXPATHLEN); return fbuf; } /* Do a non-recursive scan of the named directory, possibly ignoring all * exclude rules except for the daemon's. If "dlen" is >=0, it is the length * of the dirname string, and also indicates that "dirname" is a MAXPATHLEN * buffer (the functions we call will append names onto the end, but the old * dir value will be restored on exit). */ struct file_list *get_dirlist(char *dirname, int dlen, int ignore_filter_rules) { struct file_list *dirlist; char dirbuf[MAXPATHLEN]; int save_recurse = recurse; int save_xfer_dirs = xfer_dirs; if (dlen < 0) { dlen = strlcpy(dirbuf, dirname, MAXPATHLEN); if (dlen >= MAXPATHLEN) return NULL; dirname = dirbuf; } dirlist = flist_new(FLIST_TEMP, "get_dirlist"); recurse = 0; xfer_dirs = 1; send_directory(ignore_filter_rules ? -2 : -1, dirlist, -1, dirname, dlen, 0); xfer_dirs = save_xfer_dirs; recurse = save_recurse; if (do_progress) flist_count_offset += dirlist->count; dirlist->sorted = dirlist->files; clean_flist(dirlist, 0, 0); if (verbose > 3) output_flist(dirlist); return dirlist; }