/* Copyright (C) Andrew Tridgell 1996 Copyright (C) Paul Mackerras 1996 This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA. */ #include "rsync.h" extern int verbose; extern int remote_version; extern int csum_length; extern struct stats stats; extern int io_error; extern int dry_run; extern int am_server; /* receive the checksums for a buffer */ static struct sum_struct *receive_sums(int f) { struct sum_struct *s; int i; OFF_T offset = 0; s = (struct sum_struct *)malloc(sizeof(*s)); if (!s) out_of_memory("receive_sums"); s->count = read_int(f); s->n = read_int(f); s->remainder = read_int(f); s->sums = NULL; if (verbose > 3) rprintf(FINFO,"count=%d n=%d rem=%d\n", s->count,s->n,s->remainder); if (s->count == 0) return(s); s->sums = (struct sum_buf *)malloc(sizeof(s->sums[0])*s->count); if (!s->sums) out_of_memory("receive_sums"); for (i=0;icount;i++) { s->sums[i].sum1 = read_int(f); read_buf(f,s->sums[i].sum2,csum_length); s->sums[i].offset = offset; s->sums[i].i = i; if (i == s->count-1 && s->remainder != 0) { s->sums[i].len = s->remainder; } else { s->sums[i].len = s->n; } offset += s->sums[i].len; if (verbose > 3) rprintf(FINFO,"chunk[%d] len=%d offset=%d sum1=%08x\n", i,s->sums[i].len,(int)s->sums[i].offset,s->sums[i].sum1); } s->flength = offset; return s; } void send_files(struct file_list *flist,int f_out,int f_in) { int fd; struct sum_struct *s; struct map_struct *buf; STRUCT_STAT st; char fname[MAXPATHLEN]; int i; struct file_struct *file; int phase = 0; extern struct stats stats; struct stats initial_stats; if (verbose > 2) rprintf(FINFO,"send_files starting\n"); setup_readbuffer(f_in); while (1) { int offset=0; i = read_int(f_in); if (i == -1) { if (phase==0 && remote_version >= 13) { phase++; csum_length = SUM_LENGTH; write_int(f_out,-1); if (verbose > 2) rprintf(FINFO,"send_files phase=%d\n",phase); continue; } break; } if (i < 0 || i >= flist->count) { rprintf(FERROR,"Invalid file index %d (count=%d)\n", i, flist->count); exit_cleanup(RERR_PROTOCOL); } file = flist->files[i]; stats.num_transferred_files++; stats.total_transferred_size += file->length; fname[0] = 0; if (file->basedir) { strlcpy(fname,file->basedir,MAXPATHLEN); if (strlen(fname) == MAXPATHLEN-1) { io_error = 1; rprintf(FERROR, "send_files failed on long-named directory %s\n", fname); return; } strlcat(fname,"/",MAXPATHLEN); offset = strlen(file->basedir)+1; } strlcat(fname,f_name(file),MAXPATHLEN); if (verbose > 2) rprintf(FINFO,"send_files(%d,%s)\n",i,fname); if (dry_run) { if (!am_server) { log_transfer(file, fname+offset); } write_int(f_out,i); continue; } initial_stats = stats; s = receive_sums(f_in); if (!s) { io_error = 1; rprintf(FERROR,"receive_sums failed\n"); return; } fd = do_open(fname, O_RDONLY, 0); if (fd == -1) { io_error = 1; rprintf(FERROR,"send_files failed to open %s: %s\n", fname,strerror(errno)); free_sums(s); continue; } /* map the local file */ if (do_fstat(fd,&st) != 0) { io_error = 1; rprintf(FERROR,"fstat failed : %s\n",strerror(errno)); free_sums(s); close(fd); return; } if (st.st_size > 0) { buf = map_file(fd,st.st_size); } else { buf = NULL; } if (verbose > 2) rprintf(FINFO,"send_files mapped %s of size %d\n", fname,(int)st.st_size); write_int(f_out,i); write_int(f_out,s->count); write_int(f_out,s->n); write_int(f_out,s->remainder); if (verbose > 2) rprintf(FINFO,"calling match_sums %s\n",fname); if (!am_server) { log_transfer(file, fname+offset); } set_compression(fname); match_sums(f_out,s,buf,st.st_size); log_send(file, &initial_stats); if (buf) unmap_file(buf); close(fd); free_sums(s); if (verbose > 2) rprintf(FINFO,"sender finished %s\n",fname); } if (verbose > 2) rprintf(FINFO,"send files finished\n"); match_report(); write_int(f_out,-1); }