#!/bin/bash bad= if [ "$NO_VALGRIND" ]; then cmd=(./testsuite) else cmd=(valgrind --error-exitcode=1 --leak-check=full ./testsuite) fi set -o pipefail # Stdout goes directly to testsuite.out; stderr goes down the pipe. if ! "${cmd[@]}" 2>&1 >testsuite.out | tee testsuite.err; then echo >&2 'Memory errors!' bad=1 fi if grep 'LEAK SUMMARY' testsuite.err >/dev/null; then echo >&2 'Memory leaks!' bad=1 fi if ! diff -u testsuite.expected testsuite.out; then echo >&2 'Output is incorrect!' bad=1 fi if [ $bad ]; then echo >&2 'Test suite failed!' exit 1 else echo 'Test suite passed.' fi