+===================================================================+ | Big Integer Library | | A C++ library that does arithmetic on integers of unlimited size. | | Version 2005.01.18 | +-------------------------------------------------------------------+ | By Matt McCutchen | | E-mail: hashproduct@verizon.net | | Project Web site: http://mysite.verizon.net/mccutchen/bigint/ | +===================================================================+ What the Big Integer Library provides ===================================== This library contains two classes, BigUnsigned and BigInteger, that represent nonnegative integers and integers, respectively, of size limited only by your computer's memory. Their capabilities include these operators: Math: + - * / % & | ^ unary- Assignment: = += -= *= /= %= &= |= ^= ++ -- Comparison: == != < <= > >= In the works are the << and >> operators, integer algorithms like `gcd', and possibly a working implementation of RSA using the library. Using the features of the library ================================= The file `sample.cc' explains and demonstrates the most important features of the library. I recommend that you read `sample.cc' and then run the sample program it contains. If you want to do something not shown in `sample.cc' or want more detail, read the actual header and source files, which are extensively commented. Compiling programs with the library =================================== The library consists of a folder full of header files (`.hh') and source files (`.cc'). `#include' header files and compile with source files as necessary for your own programs. For those who use `make', a `Makefile' is included that compiles the source code to object files (`.o') and compiles the sample program. Bugs ==== The library has been tested by myself and others but is by no means bug-free. The programs you write using the library will be the best test of its correctness. I urge you to report any problems that you find, whether they come in the form of compiling trouble, mathematically inaccurate results, or runtime memory-management bloopers (which, since I use Java, are altogether too common in my C++). Keep in touch ============= Feel free to e-mail me at `hashproduct@verizon.net' to report bugs or request features. When I fix the bug or add the feature, you will generally be credited by name in the source code and/or the Change Log unless you request otherwise. I am also curious as to what uses you find for the library. If you would like an e-mail whenever a new version of the library is released, e-mail me to join my informal mailing list. New versions of the library will be available at the project Web site at `http://mysite.verizon.net/mccutchen/bigint/'. =====================================================================